Every such promise of 'free stuff' should be greeted with instant, habitual, and empirically verified incredulity...
Kenosha police scanner audio indicates that police opened fire on 29-year-old Jacob Blake less than five minutes after they were initially contacted. In cell phone video shared widely on social media, Blake can be seen being followed by two officers with weapons drawn as he opens his car door and
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria—The leader of Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, has killed himself, according to a jihadi organization linked to the Islamic State group.
"Lying in corporate media about liberals' enemies is not just permitted but *encouraged*."
A new study in the American Journal of Public Health claims that the state of Connecticut’s 1995 gun licensing law has reduced firearm homicide rates by 40 percent. But this just released study gives academics a bad name.
If the EU bans glyphosate, it could be a devastating blow to American farmers who grow the world’s most abundant supply of grains.
BREAKING: There is new evidence that young Kyle Rittenhouse may have been shot at first. If so, this offers even more evidence that the 17-year-old was acting in self defense when he shot at least three men in Kenosha, killing two. On Tuesday night two people were killed in the continued violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. …
The DoJ has approved a lawsuit charging that Facebook routinely discriminates against thousands of job-seekers because they are Americans.
In the wake of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars and Dave Chappelle being attacked on stage in LA, comedians across the country say violence from audience members is an increasing proble…
The Republican nominee for Alabama Senate threatens to provide conservatism’s critics with precisely the caricature they crave ...
The plaintiffs say manufacturers broke the law by producing rifles that were compatible with accessories that facilitate rapid firing.
The criminal justice reform advocate and former federal prisoner addressed the RNC on its final night
If the White House’s estimates are accurate, the deficit under Biden’s budget would be larger than every other deficit recorded in American history prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anti-semites are gonna anti-semite.
Not to be outdone with its controversial "Hate Map" that almost caused mass murder, the Southern Poverty Law Center is now targeting conservative women. 
In 2015, the “conservative” Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, secreted over to Beijing and giddily made the United Kingdom a charter member of China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The following year, Britain was a key member of...

Let Them Boycott! | National Review

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

No one is saying athletes should not have social consciences or forums to express their political views. But the game is not such a forum.
An English teacher has resigned from a top New Jersey prep school that is using critical race theory to create a “hostile culture of conformity and fear” — causing white and male students to believe they are “oppressors.
"This is a Fed that has been selected based upon characteristics other than competence in economics," Laffer noted.
Ilhan Omar is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country,” Carlson said. “Some of the very people we try hardest to help have come to hate us passionately,”
There is a line of intolerance that, once crossed, will turn the desperate masses against the few benefitting so vastly from today's system.
Opinion President Biden broke his own standard of the political protocol by attacking his Republican rivals during an overseas summit
Lane's attorney says the ex-officer has a newborn baby and didn't want to risk missing more of the child's life.
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A man armed with a rifle threw incendiary devices at an immigration jail in Washington state early Saturday morning, then was found dead after four police officers arrived and opened fire, authorities said. The Tacoma Police Department said the officers responded at about 4 a.m. to the privately run Tacoma Northwest Detention Center, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security detention facility that holds migrants pending deportation proceedings. The detention center has also held immigration-seeking parents separated from their children under President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, an effort meant to deter illegal immigration. The shooting took place about six hours after a peaceful rally in front of the detention center, police spokesman Loretta Cool said. She said another rally was planned for later Saturday, but it would have to be held in a different area because of the investigation into the police shooting. Police said the man caused a vehicle to catch fire and that he attempted to ignite a large propane tank and set buildings on fire. Police said that besides the rifle, he had a satchel and flares. Police said officers called out to the man, and shots were fired. Cool said all four officers fired their weapons, but she didn't have specific details of what took place. She said the officers weren't wearing body cameras, but the area is covered by surveillance cameras from the detention center. She said she didn't know if the man fired at the officers. After the gunfire, officers took cover, contained the area and set up medical aid a short distance away, police said. Officers then located the man and determined he had been shot and was dead at the scene. His name hasn't been released. Authorities say investigators are processing the...