Individual rights must always be matched with responsibilities.
The Washington Post was hit this week for questioning whether the Katie Hill saga would have happened to a man, after many critics pointed out that it has.
He criticized people across the spectrum for their failure "to forcefully and convincingly repudiate" divisive and conspiratorial groups.
The Associated Press (AP) was the target of sharp criticism Tuesday over its article that referred to individuals who launched an incendiary balloon attack on Israel from Gaza as "activists."
CNN anchor Dana Bash wondered whether the gender wage gap between WNBA and NBA players was to blame for WNBA star Brittney Griner's imprisonment in Russia.
Four years ago, then-Gov. Rick Perry misrepresented state-posted numbers and inaccurately claimed that thousands of Texas murders had lately been committed by unauthorized immigrants. More recently, Fox News commentator Sean Hannity drew our attention when he dipped into the same pool of figures on his March 7, 2018 program, saying to a guest:
“Thank God for the Deep State!,” exclaimed former CIA Director John McLaughlin to hundreds of attendees of a public conversation on “Intelligence and the U.S. Presidential Election.” “These are people doing their duty and responding to a higher call.” McLaughlin’s...
Quadruple vaxxed Joe Biden on Friday tested positive for the China Coronavirus AGAIN. This is the seventh day in a
Three race-baiting SUNY-Albany coeds were arraigned on assault and other charges in a capital-city courtroom Monday in a case that offers both Gov. Cuomo and top university officials an unparallele…
There are five main components to the economy: money, purchasing power, wealth, production, and psychology.  In this article, I will discuss how each of these relate (and provide examples). Wealth …
During his career Rudy Giuliani jailed mobsters, dirty cops and corrupt politicians. As Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the streets, reduced crime and led the city following the 9-11 Islamist attacks. And as counsel to President Trump he represented the president through the Russia collusion sham investigation. And now Rudy Giuliani…
Boston mayoral candidate Michelle Wu wants to expand paid family leave to include abortion. Paid family leave? It exists in Massachusetts. It passed in 2018 and went into effect at the start of this year. The city of Boston has offered its own version of it since 2015. Paid abortion leave? It does not exist,...
The first step towards a U.S.-China war? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan exhibited the ostentatious arrogance and recklessness which has come to characterize US foreign policy. The attitude of Washington’s denizens is simple: we are masters of the universe, essential and powerful, and must be obeyed. Everyone on earth must submit to our majestic […]
An unemployed Brit says his ex-girlfriend must be “gutted” that he’s scooped up more than $13 million in lottery winnings — just over a month after the two broke up, according to a report.

‘All You Americans Are Fired’

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Exactly 33 years ago, President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). Congress had wrangled for six years before finally agreeing to an amnesty for nearly 3 million illegal a…
Thread by @LaurenWitzkeDE: THREAD: Information on Hunter Biden hard drive from POLICE SOURCE here in Delaware. 1/ The laptop/hard drive was turned over yesterday to the New Castle County PD. That is because New Cas...…
The phrase that keeps coming to my mind when I think about the disaster that has occurred in Afghanistan is “it didn’t have to happen”. The tragedy that has occurred in Afghanistan that has left over one hundreds Afghan’s dead and has left 13 of our brave American warriors dead is all as a result...
The oxygen production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
It’s also not new – politicians have been doing it for ages. Literally.
Impeachment is neither a criminal trial nor a legal process, so the president does not have the constitutional right to confront his accuser.
The MSM wants us to think that Biden has a lock on this. He doesn't, by far.
The Education Department sent letters to leaders in Oklahoma, South Carolina, Iowa, Tennessee, and Utah.