More bad economics
OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) — A group of women is going all the way to the top with their challenge of a beach town ban on topless sunbathing, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to rule against allowing men but not women to show all that skin.
Hillary, Trump, and now Biden have illegally held classified documents, and the differing coverage and outcomes should be troubling.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Arizona Republican Presidential Primary
Rep. Joaquin Castro claimed Friday that President Trump’s son-in-law may have included Khashoggi’s name on an ‘enemies list’ provided to the Saudi crown prince.
The update on Boris Johnson's health comes as a record 938 UK virus deaths are reported in a day.
Markets were down for the second day in a row ahead of a big Fed decision.
New York City health authorities warned that the highly transmissible omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 may be more likely to infect those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Republican power in state capitols will be at its strongest levels in nearly a century when several newly elected governors take office next year. A remarkable election that propelled Republican…
What is going on?  After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly estimates from specialists on the coronavirus, the data is showing that this may be one great big mistake or hoax. Grassfire reports: According to data obtained from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality…
President-elect Joe Biden will reportedly cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit on his first day in office.
Our philosophy of relativism leads to illusion, and illusion leads to ruin
This was going viral yesterday, and for good reason:
There are always overreactions to big news like the presidential election, but with the proper timing, and depending on exactly what the president-elect plans to do, there may be many plays to make in the health-care space
What is the American Conservative Movement? It’s us, all of us, the patriotic Americans who recognize that government is getting too big and freedoms are under attack. It’s a response to rising authoritarianism at all levels of government, from city councils pushing draconian ordinances to would-be tyrants in Washington DC that want to take our …
President Joe Biden's White House stripped down Trump's 1776 Report, released on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, just moments after the new exec took office.
President Joe Biden released a statement in which he appeared to give up on passing his massive "Build Back Better" spending bill after the Senate rejected the Democrats' latest attempt to shoehorn immigration reform into the legislation. Democrats hoped to pass the social spending bill ahead of...

Embracing Failure

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

Despite recent crime spikes, decarceration advocates are unrepentant.
Protesters rejecting the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States have adopted the safety pin as their symbol.
Senator Ted Cruz blasted Dianne Feinstein via Twitter Saturday, tweeting: The Ayatollah leads chants of “death to America.” He pledges to destroy America, which he calls “the Great Satan.” And Senate Dems want to send him millions??? At the EXACT SAME TIME, Senate Dems are blocking desperately need relief to small businesses in America. The …
EARTH ORBIT - While it seemed the inauguration of the 46th president went off peacefully, the worst fears of the country manifested as Donald Trump staged a military coup to retain power. Most didn’t notice, though, because he did it using the only branch of the military still loyal to him: Space Force.In a stunning surgical strike led by Space Force ...
Vice President Harris says the Biden administration foresaw neither the delta nor the omicron COVID-19 variants.
Being consistently wrong hasn't stopped Al Gore from cashing in—big time.
The Slacker Mandate and the Safety Pin Generation - Michelle Malkin: News flash, kids: Things aren't free. Things cost money. And .11/16/2016 12:55:31PM EST.
When NBC’s Megyn Kelly started the discussion about what is appropriate and politically correct behavior at Halloween, she had no idea the segment on her morning show would provide such a conclusive answer.