In 103-minute speech at CPAC, Trump laid a detailed foundation for a second term that ranged from revoking China's trade privilege to creating next-generation cities.
As a member of Congress or a politician in general, you're not allowed to receive gifts in exchange for political favors. *cough* The Clinton Foundation *cough* This BLOWS AOC's mind: This blows my mind: House Ethics Rules prevent
Have 3 minutes and 37 seconds to spare? If so, then please watch this clip of Barstool Sports’ Dave Portnoy asking when did “flattening the curve” become “finding the cure.&…
[WATCH] President Biden Suggests Blacks, Hispanics Can't Get COVID Vaccine Because "They Don't Know How To Get Online"
Capitol police officers are seen giving the 'Qanon shaman," the Democrats' face of the Jan. 6 insurrection, a guided tour.
North Carolina's National Association for the Advancement of Colored People...
Can a church be forced to pay for elective abortions even if it goes against its religious beliefs?  Apparently, the state of California thinks so. 
Loading... TRENTON, NJ – It’s no secret that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy wants open borders, sanctuary and equal, if not more rights for illegal aliens in his state, butRead More...
The latest outrage came Saturday when a deranged homeless man shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train in Times Square, according to police.
The House must vote on Gaetz's proposal within 18 days of its introduction.
Border Security for me but NOT for thee? House Speaker-Designate Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters in early December that she will reject ANY AND ALL funding for Trump’s border wall. Fox News Congress reporter Chad Pergram asked Pelosi, “Would you be willing support some degree of wall funding if you got a permanent bona fide ?
Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy called the House Democrats' latest attempt at coronavirus relief "dead as fried chicken."
The vaccine generates robust immunity after one dose and can be stored in ordinary freezers instead of at ultracold temperatures, according to new research and data released by the companies.
Although the U.S. political party affiliation average for 2021 was similar to prior years, the country shifted from a nine-point Democratic preference early in the year to a five-point Republican advantage near the end.
President Biden releases his Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and delivers remarks on his plans to invest in America, continue to lower costs for families, protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, reduce the deficit, and more. He claimed that "MAGA Republicans are calling for defunding the police departments" and also want to defund the FBI. Biden was discussing his law enforcement plan when he made the claim against Republicans.

However, Republicans typically support the police departments but not so much the FBI. The Republicans are not happy with how the FBI has handled many things in the past, but I don't recall seeing many Republicans talking about police officers other than hoping they get more funding, more support, and freedom to do their job without facing the fears they'll get in trouble at work.
Male students' larger size gives them "power of authority" to sexually harass women.
Rep. Lauren Boebert, Colorado Republican, was savaged on social media after saying that protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution “doesn’t mean trying to rewrite the parts you don’t like.”
U.S. - Americans are reacting to newly unearthed statements Biden made during his presidential campaign, in which he claimed that Corn Pop's death was more impactful for the cause of justice than MLK's. 'Listen folks, no joke. I ain't kiddin' around here. For real. I know what I'm talking about. Listen carefully. I'll say ...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School attack shows no progress in implementing safety measures since the April 20, 1999, Columbine attack.
The Florida governor explains a COVID-19 strategy that has gotten bad press and favorable results.
NBC News was roasted for publishing an "absurd botched hit piece" that criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ coronavirus vaccination plan for prioritizing senior citizens, such as Holocaust survivors and veterans, because they might be Republican voters.
Kevin A. Hassett’s new book is part White House memoir, part defense of supply-side theory, part apologia for free markets and tax cuts.