
The Clintons are back. Despite Democratic members belatedly (by about two decades) denouncing Bill Clinton for the host of women who accused him of sexual assault and rape and the growing unpopula…


“The President has the right to determine who is to be deported” when it comes to illegal aliens currently living in the United States, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) stated during debate on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) funding bill in the Senate on Monday.


A growing chorus of reporters and observers cast doubt on the government’s account of the Khorasan Group.


He was a model prisoner for 21 years, and he completely turned his life around. He deserves freedom.


Democrats finally find some media bias they dislike.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is the leader in some national polls for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. He's also the least-known candidate in some surveys. There could be a relationship between those two factors.
Start with the new Fox News poll, done the last few days of March. Pollsters gave respondents, all registered voters, a list of seven Republican candidates â Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Walker and Ben Carson. Please tell me whether you have a generally favorable or unfavorable opinion of each one, the pollsters asked. And then they added, If you've never heard of one, please just say so.
Forty-three percent of respondents said they have never heard of Walker â the highest of any GOP candidate except Carson, with 54 percent. In addition, ten percent said they can't say their opinion of Walker. (Bush's never-heard-of number was eight percent, with ten percent can't say.) Walker's total was 27 percent favorable, 21 percent unfavorable, with a combined 53 percent never-heard-of or can't-say.


A new State Department and Department of Homeland Security Program will fly immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador to their parents in the U.S. for free.


Early Thursday afternoon, Brad Wilmouth at NewsBusters posted on clueless Alisyn Camerota's morning interview of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on CNN. After Cuomo whined about the new federal tax law's $10,000 limitation — not an "elimination," as he falsely claimed — on state and local tax deductibility, he contended that New York and California are the nation's "economic engines." There is some truth in that, but how long can that continue if so many productive people continue to leave those two states?


A few percentage points can make a big difference.


Follow Liz on Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler Facebook: www.facebook.com/TippingPointonOAN Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialLizWheeler Instagram: @Liz_OANN


MEXICO CITY — Authorities in the southern Mexico state of Guerrero have stepped up patrols after about 100 schools around the town of Chilapa were forced to close due to gang threats. Chilapa is in…


Since President Trump took office, the economy is booming, according to such reliable sources as federal agencies, analysts and data from the private sector.


Charlie Hebdo has been named 2015 International Islamophobe of the year, despite many of its staff having been killed by Jihadists in January. The annual ‘award’ was given by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a British group that claims to


Gun violence has been in the news lately, which has some Americans advocating British-style gun laws. The UK bans handguns, and in 2016 its per capita homicide rate was only 0.99 per 100,000 people. But while it’s true that Brits commit relatively few murders, there’s another group that commits even fewer. Who are they? Legally-armed Texans.?


Representative Jim Kasper played a huge role in the recent victory in North Dakota. Read all about it in today's post.


Chelsea Clinton's husband scored his buddy at Goldman a meeting with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Republican Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton pulled no punches on the Senate floor in attacking Democrat Nevada Senator Harry Reid for trying to stall the defense ...


Marco Rubio's attempt to rebut Donald Trump's pro-English platform during Wednesday night's GOP primary debate may haunt him for the rest of the campaign.


Allen West goes through a list of many reasons why Obama doesn't love America, including his lies about Benghazi. He also defends Scott Walker from the hypocritical media who would try and make Sco...


‘I’ve had a lot of bad ideas in my life,” former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power tells Politico. “Though none as immortalized as that one.”
Wow. It’s a major concession. And what might “that one” be?
Not standing idly by in the White House while Iranians protested a fixed election in 2009, then advocating a nuclear agreement that bankrolled the theocratic regime’s expansionism and militarism and corruption. Not serving as U.S. representative to an international body that took no effectual action to stop the Syrian civil war, in which more than 400,000 people have been killed, civilians gassed, and millions of refugees gone to Jordan, Turkey, and Europe ...


Senate Judiciary Committee investigators spoke to two men earlier this week who believe they may have been involved the alleged sexual assault at the center of Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh


The WikiLeaks founder claimed that Google is actively involved in managing Hilary Clinton's digital campaign.


MRCTV released a video montage this week on the evolution of the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" myth. The infamous "Hands up, Don't Shoot" mantra was repeated often in the liberal media and by far left Democrats and committed race hustlers.…