If everyone's a fascist, no one's a fascist
We use this space often to show support for those that allow us to carry on as a free nation — the men and women of our Armed Forces. We
Twitter confirmed to Fox Business that the NY Post is aware of what it needs to do for access to be restored.
It seems bad optics is a Democrat brand, as Queen Nancy displays the height of privilege. The visuals alone would be impressively bad, based alone on the years of racial identity
Beginning next year, U.S. citizens will need to get a pre-departure authorization to visit 26 countries.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Tonight America finally got to see the most talented conservative debaters in the business – Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz – team up to attack Donald Trump as an ill-informed, empty-talking-points-dependent blowhard and lifelong liberal Democrat who doesn’t take a punch well. Cruz was pretty close to his A game, which is very good indeed, getting better as the | Read More »
Civil rights groups said Wednesday that sanctuary city policies aren’t enough to thwart President Trump and called on state and local governments to stop enforcing what they deemed low-level crimes in order to keep immigrants off the Trump administration’s radar altogether.
At an Obama Foundation event on Tuesday, former President Barack Obama made headlines by denouncing the purity test his party had set up for their 2020 presidential candidates and called on the left to end their so-called cancel culture, which aims to ruin people’s lives with false activism. But none of the liberal broadcast networks heeded his call and omitted it from their morning and evening newscasts on Wednesday.
In 2016, voters on both sides of the Atlantic shocked the political establishment by voting for Brexit and Donald Trump. In the eyes of their critics, these movements represented the resurgence of dan­gerous forms of populism and nationalism. Combined with earlier “nationalist-populist” victories in central Europe, and rising support for populist parties elsewhere, commentators at…
The overcrowded airbase hanger in Qatar that’s housing thousands of Afghan evacuees has been described as a “living hell” covered in loose feces, urine and rats, a new report says…
FBI Director Christopher Wray indicated that an agent who headed the agency’s Detroit Field Office when FBI operatives allegedly entrapped people into
More voters identify as independent than Republican or Democrat. And they're changing the political system around the country.
The March for Our Lives protests were held yesterday in cities across the United States. The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized. But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party. The anti-gun …
President Trump on Friday set a cap for the U.S. to accept just 18,000 refugees this fiscal year, marking the lowest number since the modern refugee system was created nearly 40 years ago.
Rapper 50 Cent urged fans to vote for Trump after learning about Biden's tax proposals.
FRANKFURT, West Germany (AP) _ A powerful car bomb exploded outside a busy U.S. military shopping center Sunday, injuring 34 people, most of them Americans, authorities said.
Alex Jones must pay $45.2million in total damages to Sandy Hook Elementary parents.

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MINNEAPOLIS, MN—After the crowd chanted "Lock him up!" at a Bernie Sanders rally, the socialist presidential candidate was quick to respond, promising that Trump will be locked up along with millions of others once the gulags are up and running."Yes, there will be plenty of locking up to go around," he said. "Trump first, absolut …
Disney has added disclaimers to classic films on its streaming service to warn viewers that some scenes contain "negative depictions" and “mistreatment of
COMMENTARY: The Department of Justice’s message is a masterpiece of sexual-revolution propaganda.
Even world-famous Olympic athletes must endure sexist dress codes, but now they’re fighting back in this year's olympic games.
CNN, December 8, 2015: Ashleigh Banfield interviews Jeffrey Lord, Donald Trump supporter, former Ronald Reagan White House administration official, and frequ...
For years, Democrats have accused the Koch brothers of using their vast wealth to buy elections by backing Republican candidates. But now, they are doing something much worse. They are using the money of the far left billionaire George Soros to elect far left candidates to important legal offices in politics. They are trying to …
Just a day after more than 50 former senior intelligence officials signed on to a letter declaring that the recent disclosure of emails from the Hunter Biden laptop is likely Russian disinformation…