President Trump Goes After North Korea's 'Rocket Man', Iran and Loser Terrorists at the UN - Katie Pavlich: President Trump gave his first speech to the UN General .09/19/2017 12:56:10PM EST.
The Vatican issued an official document Monday rejecting the idea that people can choose or change their genders and insisting on the sexual "complementarity" of men and women to make babies. The document, published during LGBT Pride Month, was immediately denounced by LGBT Catholics as contributing
A two-year investigation by the Department of Justice has found that Yale University has illegally discriminated against "dozens of white and Asian" students.
Former Republican senator and TV analyst Rick Santorum addressed his departure from CNN on "Hannity" Monday, after the left-wing network let him go over past comments he made about Native American culture.
President Joe Biden on Saturday joked about the popular "Let's Go Brandon" movement at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
WASHINGTON — The Senate's top five Republican leaders have cosponsored legislation to extend until 2017 the Obamacare insurance subsidies that may be struck down by the Supreme Court this summer.
China's central bank has told banks to strictly implement United Nations sanctions against North Korea, four sources told Reuters, amid U.S. concerns that Beijing has not been tough enough over Pyongyang's repeated nuclear tests.
The total number of workers hired rose to a new high in April while the amount of unemployed workers still vastly outnumbered the available jobs.
New revelations about the origins of COVID-19 should lead to questions for some in the media.
Minutes after a first draft of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization leaked, which showed that Roe v. Wade will be overturned, barricades went up around
Professor Dorothy Roberts from Penn Law argues that reparations is the answer to the "patriarchal white supremacy" that runs the United States. Via Pundit Press: Dr. Dorothy E. Roberts, who is described by Penn Law as “an acclaimed scholar of?
Regarding Trump’s fire-the-NFL-protesters line last night that Teddy noted, it is a classic example of Trump’s, at times, gut-level political savvy. This kind of thing is why he’s president.
He takes a commonly held sentiment — most people don’t like the NFL protests — and states it in an inflammatory way guaranteed to get everyone’s attention and generate outrage among his critics. When those critics lash back at him, Trump is put in the position of getting attacked for a fairly commonsensical view.
Of course, NFL owners firing players on the spot for protesting isn’t necessarily common sense, but this is where “seriously, not literally” comes in ...
A professor from SUNY Old Westbury in Long Island, New York recently posted an article on website Racebaitr where he discussed exactly how he felt when he saw homeless White people begging for money in predominately Black neighborhoods...
"I know the tremendous pain of losing a loved one."
Hershey, Pennsylvania – Former Assistant Superintendent Dr. Stacy Winslow has been appointed to fill in as Interim Superintendent for the Derry Township School District after Superintendent J…
Rubles to Rubble or Rubles to Rubies?
Thanks to the closing of a tax loophole, Soros may soon have to pay up. Here’s a look at what $6.7 billion could get you.
Portland, OR - An Antifa rioter who threw burning flares into a Portland police cruiser and a downtown Target store pleaded guilty on Monday.
Hollywood has shown its true colors in the past few days, and is threatening to pull all film and television production out of the state of Georgia due to the anti-abortion heartbeat bill that was passed. Netflix was the first major corporation to threaten to pull out of the state, and now others are talking about joining in that effort, including The Walt Disney Company and NBCUniversal. Both companies operate theme parks and resorts, and their respective operations in Orlando, Florida are among the most visited every summer. It could be very bad for, not only the movie studio, but the theme parks as well with new themed areas based on the Star Wars franchise opening at Disneyland and Disney World this summer.
A school district outside of Phoenix was forced to cancel its classroom re-openings Monday after teachers planned a “sick out” and vowed not to show up to lead in-person instruction amid the coronavirus pandemic.
A Biden order aims to use financial regulation to conscript private capital against CO2 emissions.
Laurel Duggan Democrats are trying to ram through a bill that would legalize abortion nationwide, including during the last three months of pregnancy when
Those readers who plan to visit the purported Caribbean paradise should know something: Cuba is not Berlin after the fall of the Wall; she is Berlin before!
PHILADELPHIA, PA—During a campaign speech Tuesday, Joe Biden proudly declared that while Republicans have at least some standards, Democrats are going above and beyond with their "double standards."Biden pointed out that by having two sets of standards, Democrats are leading the race for having the most sets of standards."That's two ti …
Tuesday on CNN, anchor Anderson Cooper had an explosive, 20-minute interview with the CEO of My Pillow Michael Lindell over his promotion of oleandrin, a plant extract from the poisonous plant oleander, as a treatment for coronavirus. | Clips