Former FBI Director James Comey illegally leaked memos he kept of his conversations with Trump to the liberal media in order to prompt a special counsel. It looks like Comey also used the classified memos for his new memoir “A Higher Loyalty.” “The DOJ has yet to lift a finger,” said Judicial Watch president, Tom …
The Durham, New Hampshire town council cancelled the annual tree lighting ceremony and street decorations after a private citizen complained that the decorations were offensive. The new winter “frost festival” will skip the tree-lighting ceremony entirely. CBS Local reported: A Durham, New Hampshire celebration scheduled for the beginning of holidays is undergoing some changes this …
Why is the 2nd Amendment Important? Because it is the right that guarantees all the others; read about that and how to interpret the 2nd Amendment here!
Afghan evacuees have called for extended families to be brought over, with one complaining he waited too long for permanent housing.
The 2020 "summer of love" was tough for Madison, Wis. Violent leftist groups BLM and Antifa were burning, looting, vandalizing, and extorting in the name of saintly George Floyd.
Josh Hafner | USA TODAY Deemed “the most politically incorrect diner” in New York, if not the nation, by Fox News, American Diner serves a breakfast called the “Dictator Obama.” It includes two eggs and a slice of toast for $3.59. With a 27.99 “tax.” “If people don’t like it – they can go to Denny’s,” owner Michael Tassone told Fox News. Tassone’s diner, located in upstate Liverpool, has garnered attention over the past week for its down-home brand patriotism made plain in statements on its menu: * “If you’re born in America you’re an American period!” * “If you really don’t like America – LEAVE” * “Gov’t & Taxes are the problem” * “We don’t like Political correctness or special interest” Tassone describes the restaurant as a place “where we solve the world’s problems, while the politicians ruin our country.” Text at the top of the menu encourages “legal carry on premise” as well as prayer before meals, and offers a 10% discount for members of the military and the National Rifle Association. Read more... 
A Texas woman called the police on a man wearing an offensive and concerning T-shirt while playing with his children at a local playground. What are the details of the shirt? The shirt in question is a cop-designed, pro-Second Amendment T-shirt that features an AR-style weapon graphic and text that reads, "I'll control my guns, you control your kids." The company, Warrior 12, conceives and creates pro-law enforcement and American patriotism apparel. A description of the T-shirt can be seen on Warrior 12's webpage, which states: Gun control is a touchy subject in today’s day and age. The issue isn’t guns, it’s people. If parent’s [sic] could just learn to control their kids and take responsibility, we wouldn’t have all the issues we do today. Instead, it is much easier to point the finger at proud gun owning Americans and attack our 2nd Amendment rights. And what are the details of the incident? On Saturday, Blue Lives Matter reported that the man's ?
What Xi and the CCP may intentionally ignore or not fully comprehend is that the CCP and China’s economy will pay a terrible price for a brutal assault.
The United States set a record Sunday for new coronavirus cases averaged over a seven-day period, as cases march steadily upward.
Their defense of North Carolina's pistol purchase permit law leaves out a lot of history.
This is a document authored by Correct The Record (the Democrats’ FAKE NEWS & brainwashing media-control machine). Here, CTR (which became ShareBlue after Hillary lost the election) describes how they extensively control the (fake) narrative in the media & social media by establishing the talking points to be blindly regurgitated by the thousands of TV anchors and pundits working for them. CTR (as this disgusting organization was known before the election) worked to create a (false) narrative to elect Hillary Clinton. Now, ShareBlue works to create create a (false) narrative to destroy Trump and praise Democrats (despite how much they need to LIE and despite how criminal any particular Democrat may be). This document was an attachment to one of the WikiLeaks John Podesta emails (email dated 2015-12-01 19:00, from “[email protected]” to [email protected], subject: “Info for tonight”).
Trump didn't even understand the question, but that didn't stop him from answering
Hollywood stars don’t drop by Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” couch because they miss the far-left host. It’s the same reason they chat up “Ellen,” lip sync with Jimmy Fallon and field queries from dozens of journalists. They’re pushing a product. Lately, they do something else while promoting their latest film, TV show or book. They […]
#1554 - Kanye West
By Sara Murray, CNN
Walensky has yet to admit the CDC’s overcaution, misguided use of studies to impose excessive risk aversion on all, and role in keeping schools closed.
The meeting will be focused on "party unity" and is intended to help the GOP front-runner get to know more elected leaders and other players.
On Friday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted on a felony charge of computer tampering stemming from actions related to his campaign and a nonprofit donor list.
Corporate tax chiefs are trying to assess the potential implications of a proposal for a new global tax system for consumer-facing businesses, an effort that is being complicated by what some companies describe as a lack of critical details.
More than 80 per cent of COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Spain had a vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study.
Former President Donald Trump marked the anniversary of September 11 in his own way this year, through an afternoon surprise visit with New York City police officers and fire fighters
This adds more support to the Sperry report...

John Kasich on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“New poll shows 1 on 1, Cruz allows Trump to max out on delegates. We must keep it a three-way race going forward: https://t.co/5hegtfsBBH”
Advocates who want California to secede from the rest of the United States were given the green light Monday to begin collecting signatures for their initiative.
Britain’s first two-generational transgender family revealed that their five-year-old son is transitioning into a girl. Jody and Greg Rogers from Glasgow said they both suffered abuse online and in their hometown following the announcement. The trans couple said they were ‘shunned’ by the community after they revealed that their son was to undergo a sex […]