A Nobel laureate predicted China's recovery weeks before it happened. Analyzing the numbers, he sees a much brighter global outcome than many experts.
United States Vice President Mike Pence refused on Wednesday US President Donald Trump's appeal to overturn the Electoral College's votes, claiming that the vice president doesn't have the...
The U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday heard a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks.
Mainstream media reporters and commentators appeared to be much too zealous in spreading a false story on social media Friday that was very damaging to Brett Kavanaugh, the president's nominee to the Supreme Court.
"I should not have RTed this."
The story was contained in just one tweet, and it had no link, just a claim that the content came from the Wall Street Journal.
Despite the dubious sourcing, various reporters retweeted it over and over for hours, apparently in hope that the damaging story was true.
The tweet came from an account named "Alan Covington," and it said that Republicans pulled a prosecutor who was questioning Brett Kavanaugh during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee because she had determined he had lied.
"Mitchell advised Republicans that to continue questioning Kavanaugh she was required by her oath in Arizona to inform Kavanaugh of his rights after he lied to her," …
Commentary The debate over the federal Constitution that raged in the fall of 1787 and spring of 1788 ...
Resignations following violence in Washington include the Capitol Police chief.
Ontario residents aged 50 and older can begin booking their booster appointments for a third COVID-19 dose starting Monday, Dec. 13 at 8 a.m.
Syndicated Analytics’ latest report titled "Paper Towel Manufacturing Plant: Industry Trends, Project...
The 'Bill Clinton Is A Rapist!' Movement Skyrockets
Here lies the problem with Jeff Flake and Republicans like him: Desiring civility is a fine thing, but it cannot replace your desire for liberty.
It's getting weirder out there. Democrats would empty every single jail cell from prisons that have almost no Covid-19. Of course that makes no sense. And we're talking violent felons, not jaywalkers. Sure, Harvey W. and Rikers Island may have a few cases but that's the exception, not the rule.
President Donald Trump responded to Twitter's move to permanently suspend his account from its platform late Friday, saying that the big tech giant does not stand for free speech.
Journalism legend Ted Koppel mocked CNN’s Brian Stelter to his face on Monday, telling the “Reliable Sources” host that “CNN’s ratings would be in the toilet without Donald Trump.”
“Sanctuary Cities” that reject federal law and coordination for illegal immigrants are now begging for federal help to combat the Wuhan virus.
Read more about BRIEF-Amazon Is Booting Parler Off Of Its Web Hosting Service - BuzzFeed News on Devdiscourse
Can't justify the affront to civil liberties.
Elon Musk revealed in a tweet on Tuesday evening that former Twitter employees "unironically" ran an internal Slack group titled "Fauci Fan Club" in support of Dr. Anthony Fauci.In a Twitter thread largely criticizing Fauci for lying about gain-of-function research, Musk replied by posting a link to...
A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh.
“It is not a priority to enforce closings in certain neighborhoods...”
The West Virginia Democrat is key to slowing the march of the authoritarian left.
Most voters are "concerned" about the "potential of harmful side effects" of coronavirus vaccines, a Rasmussen Reports survey found.
Over the course of the past year the myth that top-down dictatorships better suited to our rapidly changing times has been put to lie.
Well, it was certainly good and entertaining while it lasted. But we can't carry on reading the emai