Lanny Davis has penned an op-ed for The Hill that demonstrates precisely how far the left has fallen.
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 345 pages of records from the Department of Justice that show FBI top officials scrambling to write a letter to Congress to supplement then-Director James Comey’s Senate testimony in an apparent attempt to muddle his message. Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom...
Since March, he has tried to run out the clock. Will that change on Thursday night?
Daszak was referring to Fauci’s comments at an April 2020 press conference addressing concerns that the virus could have leaked from a lab.
Syndicated Analytics’ latest report titled "Barbecue Sauce Manufacturing Project Report: Industry Trends,...
What to do, what to do … with George Stephanopoulos. The host of two ABC News shows, “Good Morning America” and “The Week,” is himself in the headlines after Dylan Byers broke the story at Politico that the onetime Clinton press secretary-turned-journalist had donated $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation. As though the story weren’t already damning because of the questions …
Following the Las Vegas massacre, Sen. Chris Murphy appeared to use the tragedy as the foundation for a solicitation designed to bolster his re-election.
Barack Obama and his minions act like a shadow government in exile while coup plotters in the conspiracy against Donald Trump prepare for indictments.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a funny lady. How can you not laugh when watching Elaine awkwardly dance on Seinfeld? That's why her flat jokes and terrible timing during Thursday night's Democratic
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki mocked a reporter during Wednesday's press briefing after the reporter asked her why Russian ransomware attacks
A bigshot Hollywood lawyer reportedly paid off Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes — which a source told The Post amounted to more than $2 million.
Kaepernick calls it quits on anthem protests
.06/26/2019 8:56:43AM EST.
His unusual personality obscures the GOP’s basic continuity and gradual pace of change.
Mike Pence observed Thursday that Biden had gone from campaigning “as a moderate” to becoming “the most liberal president since FDR.”
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Sesame Oil Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue
The reports of the demise of Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey were premature. The Circus now has come to town! The clown car of 25. The “Incredible Sleepy Joe” who can sleep while you talk to him, and then you...
"Real Time" host Bill Maher closed his show on Friday night taking aim at higher education.
The Interior Department said it will not move forward with three planned oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet, meaning the administration will not hold a lease sale on coastal waters this year.
So Hillary has finally picked out a place where she will give a big speech laying out her socialist agenda that will kill the United States: POLITICO - The solemn memorial park at the southern tip ...
Red Hen owner Stephanie Wilkinson says maybe Trump’s people deserve to be spit on. Stephanie Wilkinson with her son and husband at the pussy march. (Facebook) In June 28 White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant where they stopped to have dinner. Sanders and …
More than 12 weeks on, and Portland's protests are only becoming more rancorous
The protest comes on the heels of published reports last week casting new doubts about Fauci's leadership regarding the pandemic.