Since the "Operation Varsity Blues" scandal broke in Hollywood, there have been some defenders of the parents involved, with claims that they were simply trying to help their children out of love.
America is in the midst of one of the great moral panics in our nations history. If we dont stand up for our nations core values, the situation could get even worse and soon. If youve...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded that migrant families separated at the border under former President Donald Trump's administration be paid "reparations."
As the Kremlin-backed Russia Today network is banished and dropped in Europe and Canada, questions are rising about whether the American affiliate of RT should continue to broadcast from Washington, D.C.
The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled "Potassium Iodide Production Cost Analysis 2023-2028: Capital Investment, Manufacturing Process, Raw Materials, Operating Cost, Industry Trends and Revenue Statistics"
The meeting place of the two worlds could not have been more sharply defined. In Manchester Arena, thousands of young…
On Sunday, the GOP encouraged safe driving on St. Patrick’s day by tweeting a mugshot of Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O’Rourke.
For today's liberals, flags, songs, and monuments are to blame for hatred. When the smoke clears, will anything else matter but black lives?
After weeks of tepid engagement, corporate America has plunged fully into the battle over ballot access as business leaders scramble to take more forceful
The White House on Wednesday sought to correct reports that President Biden flubbed a key moment of his State of the Union speech by insisting that he made a different gaffe.
Syndicated Analyticsの最新レポート「紙皿製造工場プロジェクトレポート:業界動向、製造プロセス、プラントのセットアップ、機械、原材料、投資機会、コストと収益2023-2028」は、業界のパフォーマンス、… 続きを読む »
The suspect, Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, has a history of posting white supremacist views on Facebook.
The incredibly corrupt former US Attorney Preet Bharara warned President Trump on Tuesday to stay out of the Manhattan investigations. Preet Bharara, the former US Attorney in Manhattan who was fired by former AG Sessions for refusing to resign shortly after Trump’s inauguration, warned Trump that if he were to meddle in any of investigations …
Joe Biden wants to import at least 125,000 refugees next year, so offering a huge inflow of cheap labor low-wage, low-tech employers.
JERUSALEM - The risen Jesus is being roundly criticized in the media after it was discovered he left the tomb without his face covering. 'Yeah we know he's immune to death and all that, but he could at least set an example by responsibly wearing his protective face covering,' said King Herod in an op-ed published in the Jerusalem Ga ...
The $22.5 billion tied to Covid would pay for testing, treatments and vaccines as well as investments in research.
The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled "Titanium Dioxide Production Cost Analysis Report 2023-2028: Capital Investment, Manufacturing Process, Raw Materials, Operating Cost, Industry Trends and Revenue
It ain't about Kathy Griffin. It's all of them. Plus the Mailbag - whoo-hoo! — all your questions answered.
This sent me into a literal RAGE. .@EricBolling was sitting with some friends at Trump Hotel in D.C. when a man walked by his table & said, loud enough for them to hear, Eric's son "killed
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a 5-4 decision that states cannot exclude religious schools from receiving funding aimed at benefiting private schools. The f
Commentary To mark International Women’s Day on March 8, U.S. President Biden honoured women in the U.S. military. ...
The Maryland legislative session is in full swing, and once again, abortion advocates are pushing their radical abortion agenda. Recently, we told you about the testimony we presented against Maryland House Bill 1171, which is attempting to codify Roe v. Wade in the Maryland constitution. Now,
Syndicated Analytics new report titled Detergent Powder Manufacturing Plant Project Report Industry Trends Manufacturing Process Plant Setup Machinery Raw Materials Investment Opportunities Cost and Revenue 2023 2028 offers a comprehensive overview of the process involved in establishing a manufacturing facility ...
GENEVA, June 2, 2017 ? UN Watch today demanded that UNRWA chief Pierre Krahenbuhl apologize for using images of a girl in a bombed-out Syria building in a major global campaign to raise money for the organization by pretending the girl is a Gaza victim of Israeli actions. UNRWA is now running the above photo on Facebook and Twitter ads. It is also now UNRWA?s cover image. Imagine being cut off from the world ? for your whole life. That?s reality for children like Aya. The blockade of Gaza began when she was a baby, the occupation in the West Bank before her parents were born. Now she is eleven, and the blockade goes on. Aya’s childhood memories are of conflict and hardship, walls she cannot escape, and the fear that the only home she knows, however tiny, could be gone when she returns from school. This Ramadan, please help support children like Aya who have known nothing but conflict and hardship. Donate here: http://buff.ly/2qgsP0Y#forPalestinerefugees Yet neither the girl nor the bombed-out building are in Gaza; it?s an old photo from Syria, dating apparently to 2014. Here is UNRWA tweeting the original image in a January 2015 story on Syria: A year in #Syria: http://t.co/Gbuzat4zwv pic.twitter.com/cPcXCwUmBC ? UNRWA (@UNRWA) January 27, 2015 The photo also appeared on other UNRWA Syria pages, here, here, and here, an UNRWA report in which the caption reads: A young girl stands in the rubble of Qabr Essit, near Damascus. In 2014, UNRWA was able begin rebuilding facilities within the neighbourhood, including a school and ?