Democratic candidates are lining up to endorse Joe Biden in an open effort to force the long-discussed contested convention where “superdelegates” can take away the nomination from Bern…
The contentious measures could be approved Monday.
Election Day workers have reported countless stories of chaos and mismanagement resulting in the disenfranchisement of Arizona voters.
"No foreign enemy, no terror group, no native criminal gang suffers the daily beating that Trump does."
Tuesday’s primaries have, for all intents and purposes, transformed the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination into a slugfest between the establishment-backed Joe Biden and the insurgent populist Bernie Sanders. With the help of the party bosses — or superdelegates,...
BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that he would have to consider the validity of and House Republicans' subpoena before complying with it. | Clips
NEW YORK, NY—Reliable reporter and decorated Iraq war veteran Brian Williams has been tapped to host a new game show on MSNBC: Are You Smarter than a Journalist? Contestants will be put up against our nation's elite journalists with questions like "Is $500 million enough for everyone to get $1 million?" and "How many genders …
We’ve been telling you something BIG is coming. Is it here? President Trump has vowed to fight voter fraud to the end. He has PROMISED to fight corruption. And now… It appears that President Trump and his staff do NOT appear to be going anywhere. The White House just ordered its staff to STOP packing...
The College Democrats of America (CDA) has been rocked by public accusations of bigotry against its leadership and calls for members to step down.
President Joe Biden and his administration hosted the first day of the White House Tribal Nations on November 30, 2022.
Before you laugh at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton comeback, consider the too-weird twists and turns of Biden’s campaign.
Trump sent out a tweet attacking Mitch McConnell and other Republicans who are standing by and not fighting for us.
Remember when the Mueller Report was released? It was a disaster for left-wing media-types who’d spent years assuring their audiences Mueller would “nail” President Trump on Russian collusion. Mueller found
What is WITH Hillary's health? Today, while campaigning in Cleveland with Tim Kaine, Hillary had ANOTHER coughing attack! Oh no! Hillary Clinton has ANOTHER ...
He really really doesn't want his financial information out there...
The ICE agency deported more than 185,000 illegal aliens in Fiscal Year 2020 including more than 4,200 gang members.
House Oversight Dems request briefings from NYC's district attorneys and lower bail amounts for Rikers Island prisoners.
Did you eat the Onion? Get stung by the Bee? It’s understandable with actual news...
James Fenimore Cooper, America’s first national novelist, lived during our first great groundswell of political populism during the Jacksonian era. Egalitarian language and imagery fanned enthusiasm for democracy.
President Trump tops the list of the most admired man for 2020, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday. The annual survey asked respondents which man and woman living anywhere in the world th…