
The Chinese government has threatened to take action should the U.S. and Taiwan go through with allowing House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen to meet.


Embattled Minnesota Democratic freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar once requested a judge to show leniency towards Minnesota men accused of trying to join ISIS.


Charlamagne tha God told Rush Limbaugh the problem was "white privilege." Iironically, "white privilege," as an idea, gives whites more power.


A detailed new report shows no racial disparities in crimes committed versus arrests made.


TORONTO (AP) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday he has tested positive for COVID-19 but is “feeling fine” and will continue to work remotely from home. Trudeau said two of his children have COVID-19 and a test Monday revealed he has it as been infected as well.


A group of U.S. House Democrats reintroduced legislation Wednesday that would force every state to legalize the killing of unborn babies for basically any reason up to birth. Nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act by pro-life advocates, the bill would “guarantee access to abortion everywhere” in the United States. Democrat leaders and many […]


The possible clashes will be on display Tuesday morning when the new Democratic House caucus meets for the first time this year to discuss Mueller’s investigation.


Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw paid


There is a saturation of coverage of the upcoming interview of Oprah and Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. The increasingly public spat between the Crown and the couple is turning nas…


The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled "Gasoline Production Cost Analysis 2021-2026: Capital...


U.S. - Americans were deeply disappointed upon learning today that the Biden presidency was not, in fact, an elaborate April Fool's joke.


Last week I went undercover to the third annual Women’s March in Washington, D.C. The turnout was low. I can’t say I was surprised.


James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released their investigative report on the domestic terrorist group Antifa on Thursday morning. Antifa is a violent left-wing Communist faction that uses a black bloc tactic where they dress in black from head to toe and cover their faces with black masks. The tactic is meant to make it more…


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Joe Biden has come to the defense of Pepe Le Pew after liberals wanted to cancel him, with the president saying he was 'always my favorite character, a real stand-up guy.'Biden strongly condemned attempts to censor the Looney Tunes character, saying he doesn't even understand what the issue with Pepe is.'The way P ...


Abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood are again receiving Title X family planning funds without safeguards to prevent the funding of abortion.


Butyl Acrylate Manufacturing: An In-Depth Look at Production Costs and Requirements 2023-2028 | Syndicated Analytics
Submitted 1 year ago by peter perker • butyl acrylate production cost
The widespread product adoption as a chemical intermediary in the manufacturing of cleaning products, antioxidant agents, enamels, adhesives, caulks, paper finishes, etc., is primarily driving the butyl acrylate market. Additionally, the inflating need for water-based acrylic emulsions in architectural and industrial coatings to ensure optimal resistance to water penetration is further catalyzing the market growth.


Gov. Chris Christie vetoed this bill. But now Democrats are in charge of the state, and they're trying again.


The death of George Floyd is a tragedy. It’s an


I was desperate to get back to school. But masks have ruined it.


This comes as teachers' unions pressure Big Tech to censor critics.


CNN's Don Lemon accused of extensive misogyny, sending threatening texts to female colleague: report
A bombshell report in Variety on Wednesday about CNN's Don Lemon alleged the anchor has a history of misogynistic and "diva-like" behavior in the workplace.


Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden criticized Virginia lawmakers for supporting late-term abortions and even infanticide Thursday, pointing to her life as an examp


Trump's support from black likely voters has surged over the past year, despite all attempts from the left to paint him as racist.


When a white Dutch author was chosen to translate Gorman's work the decision was swiftly reversed.


It’s ironic that David Graham’s recent essay in the Atlantic on the behavior of intellectuals is remarkably stupid.