On page 203 of the Inspector General's report, it’s revealed that the “impromptu” meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in Phoenix, which was supposedly just a meet up of two very famous Democrats with private jets, was actually set up by Clinton’s Secret Service detail and the FBI.
An undercover video from Project Veritas shows another Bernie Sanders campaigner call for Republicans to be sent to "re-education camps."
An appeals court said Friday that part of Gov. Lee's restrictive abortion laws can go into effect while legal battle continues.
Americans oppose lawless and wage-cutting mass migration because they are racist, according to former President Obama. 
I'm literally sickened by the actions of some in the main stream media, leftists and their minions in the education system that are seeking to rewrite history and ostracize anyone that supported President Donald Trump. Regardless of where anyone stands politically, everyone should oppose these un-American tactics and disinformation war against the Commander-in- Chief.
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday denied claims that the Justice Department would label parents as domestic terrorists following a recent memorandum he sent to DOJ employees.
A woman’s death in Iran has sparked mass protests but little response from the Biden administration or ‘the squad’ of congresswomen.
Anti-Trump Mob Hunts Trump Fans Like 'Prey,' Assaults Police
Rep. Adam Schiff pleads with Senate in his closing statement, you know you can't trust President Trump and Russia with the next election.
Daniel Greenfield's original articles and reporting delve into terrorism, pandemics and politics.
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‘If advertisers truly care about vulnerable populations they will remove their advertisements from Twitter at once.’...
As many of you already know (since the MSM loves to prop up their selected narratives), numerous places all around the Country blessed us with the infamous Women's March (that ironically began after President Trump took office). However, you more than likely missed out on the blatant irony that was on full display at the Reno's Women March.
Governor Gruesome probably has announced a curfew on typing from Thanksgiving Weekend 2020 to Rosh Hashanah 2021.
If you’ve been taking the latest climate warnings from the White House seriously and literally, you believe the Earth is about to become either a ball of fire or an enormous ocean.
Want to be Hitler? You don’t have to hate Jews, invade Poland or grow a silly mustache. There’s only one thing you have to do: Win an election against the left, or even look like you might.
Once the government sets a price at a particular level and freezes it, demand increases, and they spend more money.
The former sheriff reminded his constituents of their rights ahead of the holidays
Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe received another six-figure donation from a billionaire associate of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein who owns a private plane nicknamed the "f--- jet."
And would it help the Right gain power?
Anti-nuclear hysteria is destroying the environment
Ask yourself what actually matters and why no one seems to care.
Former FBI General Counsel James Baker will be called to testify in the case against former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, who was recently indicted for giving false statements to the FBI. During a virtual status hearing on Tuesday, federal prosecutors on Durham's team indicated that
Bros star Billy Eichner is sounding off on the gay rom-com's poor box office blaming "straight people" for the lack of ticket sales.