Potato starch represents an odorless, soft, and tasteless powder that is extracted from the root tubers of the potato plant. It has high binding strength and minimal foaming. Potato starch gives a light and fluffy texture to various baked goods, such as quick bread and muffins.
(LANGUAGE WARNING:) Lazy liberals talk about "the right wing" as if conservatives are a unified block. Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media explains that this obv...
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claimed that she “didn?t really know enough” about the “mistreatment” of illegal immigrants to pay attention to it during the eight years that Barack Obama was in office. Appearing on CNN on Friday, Feinstein was questioned by Jake Tapper about the recent viral photo shared by many Democrats of children in ?

Iranian Analytics | National Review

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

The crisis in Iran is complex and dangerous. But so far the Iranians, not the U.S., are making all the blunders.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told CNN on Wednesday evening that he would be interested in serving inside a Biden administration as the secretary of
GCC Diaper Market: Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Application Analysis, Growth and F
In times past, Ukraine would have been a great cause of American conservatives. What about now?
The senator’s run far exceeded many expectations, but he ultimately failed to persuade Republicans to rally behind him as an alternative to Donald J. Trump.
A United States amendment to a Palestinian-backed draft resolution at the U.N. General Assembly that would have condemned the terrorist group Hamas was defeated even before getting a vote Wednesday afternoon because of a procedural maneuver by Algeria, one of the sponsors of the Palestinian draft resolution.
Milley spoke at the dedication of an Army museum in a week that saw Trump fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper and install three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is facing internal opposition from his caucus over his deal with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling for two months.
Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is complying with a Justice Department subpoena and providing documents he previously shared with the House January 6th committee.
Liberal bias? What liberal bias?
SAN ANTONIO — Land Commissioner George P. Bush was met with cheers — and jeers — at the 2018 convention of the Republican Party of...
The balance of trade improved in November and imports from China fell sharply. | Economy
"It will be the thing, I believe, that will formally elect Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States," said Steve Bannon.
Kamala Harris was in the Garden State to promote President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill and push COVID-19 vaccinations when she made the pit stop.
More than 70 flights transporting migrants from the southern border to Jacksonville have landed in the dark of night in recent months as the Biden administration struggles to empty overflowing
Remember the Antifa riots in Berkeley back in 2017? At one of the rallies, several firefighters and police officers personally witnessed at close range a mob of Antifa rioters violently attack a guy who was just sitting on a wall; the attackers would have killed the man if the cops had not interrupted the attack …

Senator Rand Paul on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“I spoke with @realDonaldTrump today. The president shares my thoughts that the last thing we need is another ground war. He doesn’t want endless wars. I continue to hope for de-escalation and diplomacy.”
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, a Trump campaign lawyer, suggested in a Sunday interview that there is still more ...
Andrew Trunsky Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that she is confident that the Democrats’ budget will include a global minimum tax for
The expanding information technology (IT) sector, the inflating need for effective data storage solutions across organizations for performing backup and archiving information, and the growing digitalization, are primarily driving the external hard disk market.
This is not looking good.