The Left's Long War on Conservative Free Speech - Michelle Malkin: In the competition of ideas, you can't win the game .08/29/2018 13:00:32PM EST.
Liberal culture warriors are furious at socialist senator Bernie Sanders over his unapologetic support and endorsement of pro-life Omaha, Nebraska, mayoral candidate, Heath Mello.
They voted to raise the legal age to buy rifles from 18 to 21, and rejected a plan to arm teachers.
A handful of Americans residing in Gainesville, Georgia say they're "sick" of mass immigration to the United States, telling Jeff Bezos's Washington Post that they "feel like the minority" in their own country.
Relations 'in tatters,' Bill Richardson tells Senate panel: 'They feel insulted, the Mexican people.'
The University of Missouri reported a near-25% drop in student enrollment following its unrest. This is the result of political correctness run amok, weak university leadership and inflated college…
Maine has already seen a drastic reduction in the number of able-bodied adults with no children that are collecting food stamps from the state thanks to new rules put in place by Republican Gov. Paul LePages administration.
On Friday, the CBS Evening News conspicuously did not make time to inform its viewers of the outcome of the trial of an illegal immigrant charged in the killing of San Francisco resident Kate Steinle. Although all three broadcast morning newscasts had highlighted the failure to get a murder conviction in the case, on the evening shows, CBS omitted the story while ABC's World News Tonight delivered a full report, and the NBC Nightly News gave viewers a 33-second brief.
GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a backlash after 12 people were killed when an attacker ploughed through innocent revellers at a Christmas market in a truck. The country?s far-right…

Opinion | Smiling at Corruption

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Democrats try to save Bob Menendez months after his bipartisan admonishment.
A year ago yesterday, my youngest son lay on a bed in the emergency department of Texas Children’s Hospital. He suffered with an unexplained high fever and a wave of hives. The staff was anxious. There were no beds in the Bone Marrow Transplant department. A bed was coming open in the cancer ward. Here …
That didn’t take long. President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning. Democrats and protesters have interrupted the process for the first half hour. Judge Kavanaugh has not even been sworn in yet! Democrat protesters dressed as handmaids for the occasion. Some handmaids are here for day …
Democrats may be flustered after a week of being accused of engineering an anti-science “witch hunt,” but they aren’t backing down from their investigations into the financial backing of climate-change researchers who challenge the movement’s doomsday scenarios.
The FCC has just released the full rules to the public. Here's what they look like.
Given that what the Pilgrims set in motion 400 years ago remains the last best hope on earth, every day should be Thanksgiving Day for Americans.
You would think that pushing back the announcement another three and a half hours after months and months of waiting that the Hillary team might have had enough time to actually check their announc...
Comrades for Net Neutrality - The powers behind the FCC’s muscling of the Internet
CNN is under fire after a segment on “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon” has been labeled racist after rapper Kanye West was referred to as “the token negro of the Trump administration.”
Blocking soldiers’ attempts to emulate the opposite sex will not strengthen our military nor provide trans people long-term help.
Hillary Clinton’s Top Aides Knew from First Minutes that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack, E-mails Disclose -
NBC News just posted a lengthy opinion piece explaining why it's "morally suspect" to have kids.
Hillary Clinton has one of THOSE brothers. You know the kind.
I’m reading the British Medical Association’s guidance on inclusive language, subsection “pregnancy and maternity”. “Gender inequality is reflected in traditional ideas about the roles of women and men,” it says, and I nod firmly.
Those of us following the Memories Pizza story won't have trouble remembering it as the years go by, thanks only partially to the Walkerton, Indiana store's fairly unusual name for a pizzeria. What will also easy to recall are the "memories" of the unhinged and threatening leftist behavior that accompanied its owner's simple statement that, if the request ever arose, they would have to turn down catering a same-sex "marriage" because participating in or supporting such a ceremony violates their firm Christian religious beliefs — and the press's attempts to cover up what their journalistic malfeasance unleashed.