
A conservative Christian group has accused state Comptroller Kevin Lembo of attacking its "biblical principles" after he sought information about its nondiscrimination policies as a recipient of charitable donations from state employees.


The teen was standing on Foster Ave. near Nostrand Ave.


Mark Steyn: The Left Is Making an Organized Attempt to Say If You Don't Vote Democrat, You're a Nazi


"Nothing this administration does surprises me anymore."


Senior Jerusalem source says administration wanted ‘revenge’ over Congress speech; declares there’ll be no Palestinian state ‘in our generation’


It was the correct ruling, but John Roberts's dissent completely outmatched him.


The University of Pennsylvania students replaced it with the photo of an African-American author to highlight diversity.


She came under fire from Senate Democrats because of her Catholic faith during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on her nomination.


Roger Scruton is Britain's best known intellectual dissident, who has defended English traditions and English identity against an officia...


Why does Trump keep siding with a foreign adversary over the nation he is about to lead?


A college professor's research on campus sexual assault that was used by the Obama administration to justify sweeping action on college sexual assault has been called into question in a pair of articl


Furious residents accuse council of cover-up


Rep Tulsi Gabbard went on a secret mission to Syria and bravely went on to CNN to tell Americans what she found, 'there are no moderate rebels.'


Over the weekend, we saw the best of America: Americans helping Americans in Houston. Race, creed, color — none of it mattered. Americans were in need, and other Americans moved to help them.


Nation of Islam leader and prominent antisemite Louis Farrakhan chanted ?Death to America? and claimed that ?America has never been a...


âGender politicsâ is the renewed rage on the left. Why? Because itâs primary season, and theyâre losing the messaging battle. But candidates on both sides should beware of the rhetoric coming from organizations like EMILYâs List and the Clinton campaign. In a Breitbart article this week, Dr. Susan Berry correctly noted that the abortion lobbyâs …


The United States national debt will have grown by about $9 trillion to over $19.6 trillion under President Barack Obama, according to the website USdebtclock.org.


40 years ago, terrorists stormed 3 D.C. buildings and took nearly 150 hostage. The D.C. Council — and a former WTOP anchor — reflect on the Hanafi siege.


Is Bill de Blasio "ready for Hillary?" It's complicated.


I guess when one is running for president, the rules don’t apply. Especially if your name is Cory Booker. Apparently, Senator Booker learned about the rules of the Senate from his friend T-Bone because instead of following such rules, Booker decided to tweet out items marked as confidential by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Naturally, his Democratic colleagues are lining up to support him. But seriously, | Read More »


Sometimes your best friends can inadvertently become your worst enemies. Such was the case of Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media according to Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight. Most observant people knew that the MSM was all in for Hillary this past election to the extent of acting like cheerleaders for her. So instead of cautioning Hillary when Donald Trump made exactly the right moves to win the necessary electoral votes for victory, they instead mocked him for his ignorance of political campaigning. As a result this gave the Hillary campaign a false sense of security when they should have campaigned in the previous "blue wall" states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.


President Donald Trump can "take advantage" of the leaked questions reported by The New York Times, answering in writing to potentially avoid a live interview, according to legal expert and law professor Alan Dershowitz.


While all three network morning shows on Monday reported on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh being accused of sexual assault as a teenager in the 1980s and conducted interviews with the accuser’s lawyer, only NBC pointed out that both the woman leveling the allegation and her attorney were Democratic Party activists.


It turns out that Donald Trump’s proposed border wall is not such a bad idea after all. Though Mexico’s current and former Presidents have both lambasted Trump for implying that a wall would curb immigration, it turns out that Mexicans like the idea...
