European institutions contain traitors and enemies of our historic jurisprudence and of our traditional way of life over the centuries. For example, at the end of October 2018 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that “Defaming the Prophet Mohammed goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate and could stir up prejudice and put at risk religious … [Read on]
With South Africa reeling amid concerns of land expropriation resulting in a collapse in agricultural output, moments ago the country revealed GDP slumped in Q2, officially sliding into its first recession since 2009.

Will The Empire Survive Trump?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Since its inception globalism has needed a nation state to be its caretaker, a role Britain played through much of the 19th century along with the US into the current era.  The World Economic Forum…
Is it policing or just politics? That's what some are wondering about five taxpayer-financed Broward Sheriff's Office cars festooned with larger-than-life images of Sheriff Scott Israel next to his name.
Britain's media has scarcely been more frenzied as of late than when U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump decided to turn his guns on the political establishment across the Atlantic, insisting that British police were afraid for their lives because of Islamic radicalisation, and that Britain should be "thanking [him] instead of pandering to political correctness"
Opening comments on House Joint Resolution 8, proposing a convention of states under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose amendments on fiscal restr...
Rand Paul’s Presidential campaign is still in its infancy and already its bombs away at liberal/progressive news outlets. Hyperbole, name-calling, and outright mischaracterization run rampant and demonstrate that these news sources, and the progressive faithful in general, are terrified of a candidate whose record on drugs, drones and Middle Eastern meddling are more liberal and humane than the Democratic Party’s likely 2016 standard-bearer.
We're pleased to announce Former Senator Tom Coburn has become an official member of our team!
With an event on Tuesday in Louisville, Rand Paul kicks off an April shower of announcements from White House hopefuls.
In response to widespread criticism, Avenatti said that Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren ‘do the same thing.’
A professor at the University of Kentucky is claiming that he was punished for “sexual misconduct” for reasons including the fact that he sang a Beach Boys song during one of his classes.  In a piece for the Lexington Herald Leader, Buck Ryan claims that he sang a version of the song during the closing ceremonies for a “Storytelling: Exploring China’s Art and Culture” class that he taught as part of a UK-sponsored Education Week program at a Chinese university.  He said he used the song to teach the differences between Chinese and American culture, replacing some of the names of the original American places in the song with Chinese ones, for example: “Well Shanghai girls are hip; I really dig those styles they wear.” Ryan claims that even though a three-month investigation revealed absolutely no student complaints — and many of the students who attended the ceremony had told him that they liked his song — the school still decided to punish him for “sexual misconduct” by “ban[ning him from] receiving international travel funds and [stripping him] of a prestigious award worth thousands of dollars” because the song included “language of a sexual nature.”  Yes, a song that has been (as Ryan pointed out) covered by Alvin and the Chipmunks was apparently too “sexual” for his class full of adult students and therefore amounted to a Title IX violation. Ryan said that he was “convicted without trial” over both the song and “inappropriate behavior . . . with two women students.” The “inappropriate behavior,” which Ryan claims “never occurred,” was not reported by the students themselves but rather by other UK faculty, and the students had, according to Ryan, “wanted to defend” him but “were never interviewed by university officials.” (Note: There was never an allegation of a “sexual” relationship between Ryan and another student, simply of an “inappropriate” one for reasons including a student’s being spotted wearing one of his sweatshirts, and the fact that he and a student had been in a suite together — which Ryan claimed he figured was okay because he was “helping the student with her English” and “there were always students coming in and out of the suite.)  According to Ryan, the dean never actually spoke to him about the incident, either, and he found out about his punishment “in a letter dropped on me by two assistants just before [he] was to teach a class.” When he inquired further, he claims, the provost told him the following:  “There is no constitutional right to represent the University of Kentucky abroad. Nor is there a constitutional right to teach a particular class. Accordingly, the University has no obligation to provide you with due process.” The craziest thing about all of this is the allegation that the song amounts to a violation of Title IX, which states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”  #related#Any reasonable person would read that and have a hard time believing it was written with protecting people from Beach Boys songs in mind, but unfortunately, I can’t say I’m all that surprised. Since President Obama’s administration has expanded the definitions of what falls under Title IX, we’ve seen a student get expelled for calling his ex a “psycho” on Twitter, a fraternity be accused of “sexual harassment” over a dancing Teletubby, resident assistants suggesting that making jokes about Harambe might be considered Title IX violations, and much more. It’s pretty ridiculous — and ridiculous becomes scary when you consider that universities’ compliance with these Title IX regulations is linked to the federal funding they receive — giving colleges a real financial incentive to, if there’s any question, punish a professor over a song rather than to look into what really happened. – Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review.  
The district court’s detailed summary of the facts exposes the lies and tactics abortion activists and politicians rely upon to silence pro-life voices.
JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – A church elder on Monday (April 3) died from injuries sustained in a raid on an embattled Christian school by supporters of a Muslim business interest in Omdurman, Sudan, sources said. Younan Abdullah, an elder with Bahri Evangelical Church, died in a hospital after being stabbed while he and …
Facebook and YouTube shut down accounts Monday run by radio host Alex Jones, saying his charged rhetoric violated their policies and were detracting from their efforts to spawn a civil conversation. Apple also said it nixed Mr. Jones’ podcast from its iTunes subscription lists, and Spotify erased the host’s program from its feed, as social media companies began to take a more active role in policing their content.
Down on a new robot farm, machines tend rows of leafy greens under the watch of software called “The Brain.”
During his victory rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump detailed his economic plan, which includes incentivizing businesses to stay in the U.S. and hire Americans.
On Thursday April 20th, Ron Kuby, a leftist radio talk show host on “Curtis and Kuby,” said the women who were sexually harassed by Bill O’Reilly should not have been surprised by what happened to them because they created a culture that permitted his behavior. “These women… on air… helped...
Arizona governor Doug Ducey announced Kyl’s appointment at the Arizona capital on Tuesday morning.
The Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, tweeted his official statement regarding the multiple instances of terrorism this evening at ...
A marriage controversy causes ire in Ireland.
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that it is "disgusting" that the news media can write whatever it pleases. Trump's remarks came after he was asked in the Oval Office about an NBC report Wedne
“This is a disaster,” Levin reiterated. “It’s a disaster from a Constitutional standpoint.”
The mother of Julian Assange claims murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the person behind the leaked DNC emails, not Russia.
The reality of life in communism was decidedly different than the picture Kristen Ghodsee paints in her New York Times article.
Democrats claimed victory. So did the Republican leadership, which took credit for Tuesday's 257-167 vote to fund the Department of Homeland Security until Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. The only sour notes in the House of Representatives are being sounded by the GOP's conservative base, which strongly opposed the removal of a legislative block on President Obama's executive actions extending benefits to illegal immigrants. Since January, when House Republicans passed a version of Homeland Security appropriation that included language attempting to stop Obama's action (which has also been temporarily enjoined by a federal court) by defunding it, Republican leaders have been vying to put to rest internal disagreements and pass a straightforward spending appropriation. House leaders considered the effort to include provisions blocking the President from implementing executive actions on immigration to be a futile quest.