An armed citizen saved a mother of three from assault after hearing "blood-curdling" screams from a car outside his house.
The right-wing organisation held a similar celebration on the US President's birthday last year. The event will begin with a "raj tilak" ceremony and it cut a cake weighing 7 kg and 100 grams.
Steve Bannon is out at the White House. After months (years?) of criticism for his alleged role in promotion of Donald Trump from nontraditional presidential
To oppose the appointment of Betsy DeVos to Secretary of Education, opponents have brought out the old race card.  DeVos is seen as being open-minded to the idea of private schools.  She desires that more parents should have the option of choosing private schools for their children.  With that in mind, we get this opinion?
President Holtschneider said he was "ashamed" for DePaul University, but did not apologize to the speaker himself. .
Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America. In this exclusive video
Democrats are out of touch again, imagine that. In the wake of Hillary Clinton?s electoral college loss to Donald Trump, some Democrats have been scrambling to introduce legislation to do away with the electoral college. Naturally, the left wouldn?t care at all if states such as California and New York decided presidential elections. They sneer and look down their noses at people in flyover country. Their | Read More

The Clinton Way

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

They play by their own rules. Will it work this time?
Theodore Shoebat Asks Gay Bakeries To Make Anti-Gay Marriage Cake (Part 1) See what happens
ICYMI, last night Josh Harder fumbled through the head-to-head editorial board meeting with Jeff Denham at the Modesto Bee, spilling falsehoods left and right. A few of Josh’s greatest hits: Josh claimed he doesn’t support abortion up to 9 months:... Read More
A Technocracy is a hypothetical system of governance where decision-makers and government representatives are selected on the basis of their technological knowledge as well as their means to automa…
David Gergen: It's deeply troubling to grant legal safe haven to unauthorized immigrants by executive order.
The New York Times is engaged in an ongoing effort to rehabilitate Communism. For some inscrutable reason, it has published a series of articles nostalgic for the Soviet Union’s Gulag-filled past, most recently explaining “Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism” in East Germany. So when I write that Lindy West — who did not author any of those articles — is becoming the craziest writer at the Times, I understand the gravity of the claim I am making. A contributing opinion writer covering feminism and popular culture, West has written eight articles for the Times, including six since July ...
Al Gore is a fraud. And Al Gore got very rich being a fraud. The latest climate data shows global ...
If the Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare in King v. Burwell, it will be because Justice Kennedy thinks doing otherwise would cause too much turmoil.
By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A third of Republicans believe President Barack Obama poses an imminent threat to the United States, outranking concerns about Russian President Vladimir
Donald Trump arose because of people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine would be good for everyone – except the talk show hosts.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and potential Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is blaming California’s water crisis on “liberal environmentalists” who are “willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology.”
A high school cheer that has been around for years is being scrutinized for the use of the word "white." This is happening at East Hampton High, where the colors are blue and white.
Late Monday night, two hooded men attempting to rob a liquor store in Whittier, California, got a
Cesar Sayoc has been named as the person suspected of sending explosive devices to leading liberal public figures.

Ted Cruz on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Tonight around midnight there will be some news you won’t want to miss. Stay tuned…”