
Image via Twitter Donald Trump appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Wednesday and set the internet on fire when he agreed to debate Sen. Bernie Sanders, despite the fact that the Vermont Senator is not likely to be the nominee. Kimmel, who will be interviewing Sanders on Thursday, asked the Vermont...


The number of Americans filing applications for new unemployment benefits fell to a new 49-year low last week, though any effect from Hurricane Florence may not be realized for several weeks.


For 12 years, Congress has been passing a temporary 'doc fix' to patch a hole in Medicare. This year, however, John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi saw an opportunity to fix it permanently. Now, the Senate must agree.


The anti-RFRA backlash is a perfect storm of hysteria and legal ignorance.


Chicago’s mayor allegedly blew up when he was asked why he closed clinics. Looks like ‘Rahmbo’ is back.


The sorry religious liberty episode in Indiana shows how law often lurches from one extreme to the other.


The purpose of this series is to give readers the tools to make their own decisions about health care proposals.


Obamacare supporters were cheered Wednesday by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s tough grilling of the lead attorney in the latest lawsuit — and the law’s opponents came away nervous. That doesn’t mean the suspense is over and Kennedy will be the deciding vote to save the law. There’s still enough uncertainty about the outcome...


On Monday, the Food and Drug Administration approved the country’s first drug derived from marijuana.


Cotton: Anti-Israel UN Resolution Passed with 'Explicit United States Coordination'


ESPN's determination to dig its own grave continues to move at high speed. On Tuesday, SportsCenter 6 co-host Michael Smith intensely overreacted to the racist actions of a small contingent fans at a Major League Baseball game at Boston's Fenway Park, using what they did to tag every city in America as "racist."


The outrage against President Donald Trump continues to boil over. The controversial businessman who recently took over the executive branch has triggered liberals and Never Trump Republicans for a year now, but things have recently escalated. Protesters have been in Washington D.C. for the last few days causing property damage and other violent tactics, resulting in numerous arrests. The violent side of the crowds has been reduced to a mere line in the stories as headlines read like peaceful protests. Celebrities and political figures have flocked to these events to seize the opportunity to further divide the country. Amidst all the violence, singer Madonna spoke to the unruly crowds. Given the massive podium before the crowds, she used her star status to make terrorist threats against the White House. In her Women’s March speech, Madonna said that she had thought an “awful lot about blowing up the White House.” If any regular citizen had stated this, the Secret Service would be on the scene waiting for an?


Hillary Clinton Banned Use of Private Email by State Department Employees … While She Conducted All Her Business By Private Email -


Reporters often encounter closed doors when seeking data and interviews from the administration.


Nothing so typifies the American Left’s present wave of statue-toppling, anti-historical hysteria as its war against Christopher Columbus.


Much of the political world went into full freakout mode yesterday as crusading conservative Ted Cruz became the first candidate from either of the major parties to formally announce he is running for president in 2016. The ritual denunciations of Cruz, the junior Republican senator representing Texas, from all across the fruited plain quickly piled up. Since he assumed office in January 2013, Cruz has come under intense fire from the Left and from a few corners in the GOP. Some of the criticism is well thought out but much of it doesn't rise above the level of schoolyard taunts. Some consider it a negative that Cruz, like Barack Obama, began running for president soon after becoming a U.S. senator. His willingness to buck members of his own party --and to openly criticize other Republicans-- when his conservative principles require it has won him legions of admirers across America, but few friends in official Washington. GOP leaders don't like him because he questions what they stand


Basij commander Mohammad Reza Naqdi also threatens Saudis, saying their fate will be like that of Saddam Hussein


He violated the restaurant's 'philosophy of tolerance'


Paul Joseph Watson takes over the Alex Jones show and discusses how Glenn Beck has given himself over to the left in an effort to stop Donald Trump. Help us ...


Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency entered a new crisis at the end of this week with the resignation of Paul Manafort, his campaign manager, amid allegations of dirty money and Kremlin conn…


Former Attorney General Eric Holder said at a recent campaign event that when Republicans "go low," Democrats should "kick them" in response, video that surfaced Wednesday shows.


At the Democratic National Convention, retired four star Gen. John Allen, Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg and other veterans were heckled by the crowd with boos and chants of "no more war!"