The United States now resettles fewer refugees than the rest of the world combined according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of data from the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees shows.
"The problem is this for a refugee claim..."
Marco Rubio Delivers Blistering Speech on Obama's Assault on Israel (March 19, 2015)
Sunday morning’s horrifying attack on an Orlando gay club is not only the worst mass shooting in America’s history; it is the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. It should be treated as such. #ad#According to officials in Orlando, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen — a 29-year-old U.S. citizen born to Afghan parents — opened fire on more than 200 people at a nightclub called Pulse around 2 a.m. on Sunday morning. A hostage situation ensued. When Orlando SWAT entered the club, nearly three hours later, more than 50 people were dead and another 50 injured. Mateen was killed by police. Mateen, a security guard with the international-security firm G4S, was known to the FBI as one of a number of Americans potentially sympathetic to the Islamic State, but it’s not clear if the attack was coordinated by the terrorist organization. In either case, two things are clear: Islamic terror’s war on the West has returned to American shores, and the United States must respond accordingly. The U.S. can no longer treat the Islamic State, a resurgent al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations as distant enemies. November’s attack on the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, in which ISIS-affiliated terrorists killed 130 people, demonstrated the capacity of Islamic terrorists to strike the heart of the West. At that time, the Islamic State promised that it would soon export its violence to the United States. Three weeks later, Islamic terrorists — who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State during their attack — killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif.                       The U.S. can no longer treat the Islamic State, a resurgent al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations as distant enemies. Islamic terrorists’ war on us has returned to American shores, and it will continue here as long as we refuse to exercise the tactics necessary to stamp it out. The Obama administration, despite engaging in a drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan that has helped make those countries safe havens for terrorists, is now quietly returning American troops to those countries. Those efforts must be more robust and deliberate, rather than a shame-faced attempt to do a little bit more as quietly as possible. Meanwhile, although Syria remains a tangled mess, we at the very least can do more to aid our Kurdish allies there. This administration has refused to craft a coherent plan for defeating our enemies abroad, preferring to engage in small, disconnected missions on an as-needed basis. It is time for a long-term strategy. As long as terrorists have sanctuaries in which they can train, and from which they can recruit, Americans will continue to live under threat. #share#But the power of the Islamic State is not just in its materiel. Its success in evangelizing its murderous ideology is a problem the United States national-security apparatus has failed to address. Convincing young, disaffected, Muslim men and women that terrorism is not a bright future will require more than “positive messaging” from government Twitter accounts. It will require discrediting the ideology that has appealed to so many in the West and the Middle East. And it will require demonstrating that we will deal swiftly and pitilessly with those who engage in, or support, terrorism. Terrorists do not care about diversity and inclusiveness. They hate the most progressive Democrat as much as they hate the most conservative Republican. This is, after all, a war, and that is how wars are won. And the stakes of this fight could not be higher. This is a contest between those who champion freedom and pluralism and those who would impose tyrannical theocracy. It is worth remembering that not just the Islamic State and similar outfits but the largest state backers of international terrorism — Iran and Saudi Arabia — regularly torture and execute gay men and lesbians. Terrorists do not care about diversity and inclusiveness. They are not interested in “dialogues.” They hate the most progressive Democrat as much as they hate the most conservative Republican. The ideology responsible for this barbarism cannot be negotiated with; it must be defeated. Orlando, like Paris and San Bernardino and London and Madrid and countless other attacks, is an attack on a way of life, painstakingly built up over centuries, that cares first and foremost for freedom. Now more than ever the West must uphold that way of life — and take the fight to those who seek to destroy it.
 A black student organization at the University of California at Berkeley is demanding the university rename a building on campus after Assata Shakur, a former Black Panther, convicted cop killer and the first woman named to the FBI's ten most wanted terrorist list.
Surprised? So were the researchers who tested and compared workers in 23 countries.
House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures. McCarthy sounded hopeful for the 2016 election saying Republicans today are in the same position they were in before the 2016 elections. Kevin McCarthy: Two weeks ago the generic ballot was at the exact same place it was the day …
Trump is correct to question judge's impartiality because a judge’s heritage does not foreclose a proper inquiry into their potential biases.

Regional Conflicts to Watch in 2017

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The world is in the midst its most dangerous era in decades. The sharp increase in regional conflict over recent years is outpacing our ability to cope with the consequences.

Because We Live Here

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Visit the post for more.
The president of Turkey says he once counseled President Barack Obama on pursuing healthcare reform in the United States at the behest of American tourists. “Once I attended the Friday prayer at the Sultanahmet Mosque. There were tourists. Some of them knew that I would be visiting the United States the following week. They asked me how we could...
A video posted by the conservative news site Campus Reform appears to show several members of the Fordham University College Republicans group
"How much better would the world be if the Middle East looked more like Israel?"
Students who join in scheduled gun control protests and walk-outs during school hours will be suspended for three days, according to a letter from the superintendent of Needville Independent School District in Texas. In the week since 17 people were killed during a school shooting in Parkland, Florida, gun control advocates have organized several national marches and other forms of protest calling for action by lawmakers. What was in the letter? Needville Superintendent Curtis Rhodes sent the following message to parents and students in a letter and on social media: The Needville ISD is very sensitive to violence in schools including the recent incident in Florida. Anytime an individual deliberately chooses to harm others, we are sensitive and compassionate to those impacted. There is a “movement” attempting to stage walkouts/disruptions of the school through social media and/or other media outlets. Please be advised that the Needville ISD will not allow a student demonstration during school hours ?
Pedro Rivera is 53 years old, Hispanic, and a retired military man. He's also part of a growing number of Hispanic Texans pushing for stronger immigration enforcement, including the passage of SB 1...
Germany’s tough stance on Greek debt is wiping out the goodwill it spend decades building after WWII.
If you thought “no-fly, no buy” was bad, just check this out.

The Revolution Devours Venezuela

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Venezuela is a woeful reminder that no country is so rich that it can’t be driven into the ground by revolutionary socialism. People are now literally starving — about three-quarters of the population lost weight last year — in what once was the fourth-richest country in the world on a per capita basis. A country that has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia is suffering shortages of basic supplies. Venezuela now totters on the brink of bankruptcy and civil war, in the national catastrophe known as the Bolivarian Revolution. The phrase is the coinage of the late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez, succeeded by the current Venezuelan strongman Nicolás Maduro ...
The AP’s “tips” for parents on how to decide if their child is transgender is merely a pretext for furthering the insanity.
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Sound the trumpets. The New York Times announced on March 18 that is bringing in 20 new online-focused writers as contributors for its op-ed and Sunday Review sections.
Liberal comedian Jon Stewart on Tuesday ranted at anyone who isn’t happy with the politicized tone of late night comedy, telling the New York Times: “Tough shit.” Of course, he also slimed conservatives as bigots for objecting to the angry liberalism of Jimmy Kimmel or Seth Meyers: “The people that say, ‘This culture isn’t for me,’ live in a nostalgic world. Those are the people that are the first to tell minorities, ‘Suck it up.’”
Russian war games held last September “simulated a large-scale military attack against Nato“, the commander of the Estonian Defence Forces has claimed. Riho Terras confirmed Nato’s fears that the Zapad (or “West”) exercises were used to simulate a conflict with the US-led alliance and show off Russia’s ability to amass large numbers of troops at extremely short notice in the event of a conflict.
Grassley's memo contends that associates of the Hillary Clinton campaign had been supplying damaging information to the Richard Steel, author of the controversial “Trump dossier.”
On Friday, President Obama rammed a resolution through the United Nations, with the US technically abstaining, that reshaped the nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict on a fundamental level. It’s worth noting, of course, that the UN itself is an immoral body in which human rights violators like China and Russia preach about the morality of states which do not have a UN Security Council seat, in which the UN Human Rights Council offers equal input to terror states like Iran. It’s worth pointing out that the UN has a long history of aiding and abetting terrorism and murder.