On Tuesday, Gov. Jerry Brown compared the "existential threat" of climate change to the fight against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
On Tuesday, former Vice President Joe Biden made a racially-charged gaffe while describing women in the Detroit area, referring to them as "women from the hood."
You all remember when we made fun of Hillary Clinton for believing that she should just be coronated? Well our toupee’d cheeto-faced Republican Hillary is also very angry that the peons of Am…
Bernie Sanders always says he wants big money out of politics but he has a funny way of showing it. ...
What do "moderate" muslims really think about homosexuality?
Do NOT bring up Pocahontas.
Fueled by a recent spate of unnerving headlines and discomfiting polling data, the nation has been collectively sounding alarms over the next generation of Americans...
A Texas State University student said she was forced to flush her emotional support animal down an airport toilet after Spirit Airlines blocked her from bringing the pet on her flight.
An explosion shook the largely deserted streets of downtown Nashville early Christmas morning, shattering windows, damaging buildings and wounding three
America’s prisons have a severe overcrowding problem that’s breaking the bank. The U.S. has 4.4 percent of the world's population, but nearly a quarter of the world's prisoners, according to the latest study by the International Centre for Prison Studies. And the myriad flaws within the U.S. justice...
A classic moment from Sean Spicer this afternoon... "There is probably more evidence of collusion that CNN gave Hillary Clinton debate questions than Russian...
There’s been more talk about FISA in the last few months than has ever surrounded its passage or renewal. Its use during a domestic…
'And frankly it reminds me of the Anthony Weiner issue'
These people have already shown themselves to be, self-serving, unreasonable, and completely bereft of anything resembling integrity.
In 2014, Harry Reid blocked a patent reform bill from coming to the Senate floor. His choice of successor, Chuck Schumer, was a big supporter of the legislation.
A new study out of Germany casts further doubt on the so-called global warming âconsensusâ by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most sci
Michelle Obama doesn’t want you to think that she has an agenda, in any way, shape, or form. But for all her talk about unity and being “an open-hearted nation,” she can’t resist the typical liberal complaints about the Trump administration. In the same vein, Ellen Degeneres, who denies being political, also cannot avoid slamming conservative politics on her show. When Ellen told Michelle Obama that “I feel like the world is a very scary place right now,” the former First Lady responded, “People are afraid … about the direction of the country.”
"I grieve in my own different way -- I don't like to be touched." Santa Fe High School students were accused of racism for not holding Nicole Janice's hand...
With disloyal friends like these, who needs a “loyal opposition”?
President Obama snubs new NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during his Washington visit as threat from Russian cruise missiles, bomber patrols, and submarines increase.
The Department of Veterans Affairs wanted to prove that Army veteran Chad Fleming was actually an amputee. So instead of referencing his extensive medical records or simply looking to see that he's missing his left leg, they insisted on taking an X-ray of his artificial leg.
I didn’t want to duplicate anything that had been was written already. It took a while but I read all the comments on Should Conservatives Sue Private Media Companies. I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Yes, YouTube is a private company, but that isn’t the only consideration at play. Like everyone …
A firm linked to a Russian oligarch made payments totaling more than $1 million to Michael Cohen, the personal attorney of President Trump, according to a report out Tuesday.