Supporters of Donald Trump and Mike Pence started the hashtag #BoycottHamilton to defend the vice president-elect who was booed while attending the Broadway show ?Hamilton? Friday night…
The news agency Agence France-Presse reports from Lausanne, Switzerland that Iran and the P5+1 powers (the five UN Security Council permanent members, plus Germany) have reached "provisional agreement" on the terms of nuclear deal.
THE NUMBER of migrants crossing the Mediterranean to Italy doubled in a month to reach 4,800 in January, latest figures show.
A Midland County woman's gym membership was canceled after she refused to stop telling fellow gym members "a man" was using the woman's locker room. http://w...
Ann Coulter will reportedly play Mark Cuban's vice president in Syfy's third installment of "Sharknado."
Its brand favorability dropped 34 points.

In Defense of Religious Liberty

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Join the August 21st Rally for Religious Liberty: https://www.tedcruz.org/rsvp/rally/ Ted Cruz talks with Dick & Betty Odgaard of Grimes, Iowa, who were forc...
Calling Sen. Ted Cruz "a proven champion," the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) endorsed Ted Cruz for president and promised to do everything possible to make his election possible.
Comedienne Sarah Silverman went into hysterics on Twitter Sunday after finding Nazi swastikas drawn on the pavement in the town she was visiting.
It is perhaps a fitting tribute to racial co-operation. However, the decision to outsource to China the carving of a new national memorial to Martin Luther King has raised eyebrows in the United States.
Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016. /u/nicholas-silvera
On April 10, Breitbart News had the opportunity to talk with GOP Presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson about guns and gun rights, and he told us that the Second Amendment keeps the government from dominating the people.
One long-term resident has $161,000 in assets
More than 300 Republican lawmakers, operatives and consultants signed a brief.
Social Justice The Musical Part IV is a go! A parody of Under the Sea all about Political Correctness. Let's all drown ourselves in tomfoolery! FREE DOWNLOAD...

How Portugal Won Its War On Drugs

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Watch City Vérité: Shanghai - http://testu.be/1KTBR8d Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml In 2001, Portugal decriminalized drugs, making the punishment manda...
Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas, launches his second attempt to earn the Republican nomination for US president.
One of the most important founding fathers is someone that most people have never heard of. When learning of his death, Thomas Jefferson wrote that John Dick...
Thomas Kuhn, in his classic book on the structure of scientific revolutions, points out how difficult scientific paradigms are to shift. He suggests they become even more so when there is a moral element involved. I will suggest that projected
The one Republican ready to cut big money–sort of.
(Screenshot) The number of children in the United Kingdom (UK) seeking to change gender has skyrocketed since 2009/10, and the UK government wants to find out why.
There has been much harrumphing and hand wringing about Rudy Giuliani's comments about Barack Obama not loving this country. The NY Slimes, as usual, went
Rhode Island's beloved dancing cop claims he was fired for protesting against Black Lives Matter.