"Carly won the debate, so here come the false attacks"
U.S. District Court Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ruled that Twitter serves as a "designated public forum" and is protected under the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights.
The US's largest police union has urged Amazon to remove a T-shirt from its third-party marketplace that says: “Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter”. The Fraternal Order of Police has already succeeded in having garment removed from Walmart supermarkets. But as of Sunday morning it was still available on Amazon. Union president Chuck Canterbury said he didn't expect that to change anytime soon.
Al-Shabab supporters may potentially be entering the U.S. within the large groups of Somali refugees the Obama administration has admitted. The al-Qaida terrorist affiliate al-Shabab, the group tha
THE FIRST HOUR OF THE TODD STARNES SHOW UPDATES: .@CNN & @MSNBC accuse @realDonaldTrump of #racism for pointing out the ungrateful attitude of the father of a @UCLAMBB player. Is it racist to point out bad behavior? | #ToddStarnesShow https://t.co/JgEmYFiEmt— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) Nove
The 2016 GOP front-runner kept up his attacks against rival Jeb Bush and his brother; Jeb calls Trump's foreign policy reality show-like
Washington “Double standard?” President Donald Trump guffawed after Fox News anchor Ainsley Earhardt asked whether federal law enforcement has a double standard for how it handles allegations of wrongdoing by Republicans and Democrats. Trump had a little list of big disparities. For starters, Trump named “Awan,” as in Imran Awan, a former House Democratic IT ?
By Razor Before the election, we were told that Trump was a Nazi and his jackbooted thugs would take over and put people into camps and tre...
Horrentdous abuse conservatigve misnnstova minnesota college republcians repubiclian republicans university
Harry Reid says he doesn't regret spreading false charges about Mitt Romney's taxes during the 2012 presidential campaign. It matters that we're so cynical about our political system that we're willing to accept it.
"The extreme left is becoming more secular, more radical and we need to fight back for our religious liberty rights," said Bobby Jindal.
Here's why it's important for gun owners to serve as staunch, but respectful, ambassadors for our rights, lifestyle and choices.
For Stephen Colbert and CBS, this wasn't the game plan. Because now...just three months after so much hype and so much love went into Mr. Colbert's debut as the
Total: 7 Facebook Twitter Print EmailThe Maryland legislature, catalyzed by learning of a onetime $380 million federal tax exemption for medical insurance companies, responded by raising state taxes $380 million for medical insurance companies. The lawmakers, with the support of the Republican governor, seek to protect people in the individual market from a massive premium …
The U.S. Supreme Court, which has avoided major gun cases for seven years, on Monday declined to hear a challenge backed by the National Rifle Association to Maryland's 2013 state ban on assault weapons enacted after a Connecticut school massacre.
Calls Anthony "one of the great pervs of our time" and suggests Huma pillow talk
'If the president has things on his agenda that I think are good for the people of Alabama, then I'm absolutely going to work there with him...
Oh boy, all the dots are connecting quickly now?. We suspected this would happen. This is going to make the White House very uncomfortable because it connects the Muslim/Islamist elements of …
Researchers from Notre Dame found that "access to condoms in schools increases teen fertility by about 10 percent" along with rates of gonorrhea.
On the eve of the 44th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C, pro-life leaders say that with President Donald Trump in the White House and pro-life majorities in both houses of Congress, they are now more optimistic about achieving legal protection for the unborn than they’ve been at any time since Ronald Reagan was president.
India joining America in applying new sanctions against North Korea is unprecedented.
Obama's Department of Justice has announced new plans to give banks more power to inform on customers' "nefarious activity" and trigger immediate investigations by federal or local authorities.