Ninth Circuit Claims Unprecedented Power, Affirms Ban on Immigration EO
If your mother tells you she loves you, good journalists know you're supposed to check. The same thing applies when Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards claims that the abortion giant is nonpartisan. Unfortunately, the Washington Post's Amber Phillips skipped this step. Yesterday the reporter copied and pasted a Planned Parenthood talking point when she reported that the nonpartisan healthcare clinic … has been in conservative's crosshairs for more than a year now. And while it's true that Planned Parenthood has been under attack from the right, it's demonstrably false that they're nonpartisan. Before counting the ways, a brief distinction should be made concerning how the abortion giant incorporates. To keep its tax-exempt status, Planned Parenthood for America doesn't dirty its hands with politics directly, delegating that task to their political action committee instead. The muscle of the abortion lobby (and by far its largest single practitioner), Planned Parenthood Action Fund does the partisan pushing and shoving.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper have entertained the idea of forming a unity presidential ticket to run for the White House in 2020, a source involved the discussions tells CNN.
Professional writing and communication abilities are obviously essential, but so is a determined attitude and the skills to take criticism...
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) issued an order on Monday banning Planned Parenthood from participating in Medicaid programs. The move by the Office of Inspector General at HHSC comes after the revelation of the gruesome videos filmed at various Planned Parenthood facilities, including the Gulf Coast office in Texas.
During a standoff with Jim Acosta, Sarah Huckabee Sanders described all the times the media has incited violence against her. “Repeatedly, repeatedly, the media resorts to personal attacks without any...
Thursday on CNN's "Cuomo Primetime," comedian D.L. Hughley said "white men” did not get to decide what racism was during a discussion of the state of race | Breitbart TV
Amid a woman's allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh groped her when they were teenagers more than 35 years ago, Democrats are jumping on the development and saying the judge's confirmation vote should be delayed pending a full investigation. Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin was among them: https://twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/status/1041102956819558401 The Illinois lawmaker added a familiar declaration that we all must "listen" to sexual assault survivors — and "regardless of the age of those involved or when the alleged attack took place." https://twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/status/1041102966332252160 Well, one woman — who for many years has been issuing a sexual assault allegation against former President Bill Clinton — took Durbin at his word: https://twitter.com/atensnut/status/1041172705456926720 When #MeToo works against the left Democrats and those of their ilk sometimes have a tough time getting riled up when one of their own is accused of sexual assault — and that's been painfully true when it comes to Clinton, whom Broaddrick accused of raping her when he was ?
Politico's Glenn Thrush, who was exposed in WikiLeaks emails sending stories to Hillary Clinton staffers before publication, will be joining the New York Times to cover the White House, The Huffington
In a desperately misguided attempt to placate the palpable fear of allowing thousands of Muslim refugees into United States without proper security screenings just days after an Islamic terrorist attack, several left-leaning media outlets have fallen back on comparing the Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust to Muslim refugees fleeing a chaotic Middle East.
“I want to thank the President of the United States for what he did.”
The National Security Council is becoming a national security threat.
Agents took an unusually tough approach in executing a search warrant.
After nearly a quarter-century of efforts in California to afford terminally ill patients the right to end their lives with a doctor’s help, state lawmakers and the governor may be on the verge of granting the dying that authority.
According to research done by National Journal, 100 percent of Sanders’ spending on taxi and ride-sharing services was spent on Uber.

Cake or Death, the Grudge Match

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Years ago I was talking to a colleague from Sweden, and he was complaining about their insane tax system which makes it impossible for anyone to really consider more than two kids, unless they̵…
A classroom assignment on Islam says one negative effect of the Crusades is that Christians are still treating Muslims harshly.
Donald Trump just drew a line in the proverbial sand. And President Barack Obama better simmer down very quickly, or face brutal consequences. Trump officials made it clear late Thursday that if Ob…

Jonathan Greenblatt on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“1/2 @WhiteHouse statement on #HolocaustMemorialDay, misses that it was six million Jews who perished, not just 'innocent people'”
In this era of the #MeToo delusion, liberal hypocrisy is at its finest. In Louisiana,...
The latest filing by Robert Durham, investigating Russiagate and the Hillary Clinton campaign, suggests the rabbit hole goes deep
According to a newly released State Department e-mail, Hillary Clinton was not the champion of gay rights she claims to be now in her time as secretary of state.
The worst thing about the extravaganza is how it fuels the cult of the presidency.
Wendy Hartling got a frantic message through Facebook last year informing her that her daughter was inside a closet in her apartment — and that Hartling needed to call 911. She did so, and though paramedics arrived, it wasn’t in time to save her daughter’s life. Just like that, 25-year-old Casey Chadwick was gone. “I was so sad for so long, and still am very sad about not having my daughter with me. That guy shouldn’t even have been in the United States.” It took police in Norwich, Connecticut, only a matter of hours to arrest the killer — a Haitian native named Jean Jacques, who stabbed Chadwick to death during a dispute over drugs. While Hartling was trying to cope with the shock of losing a child, she quickly got another jolt — Jacques was an illegal immigrant under deportation orders who never went home. “I was so sad for so long, and still am very sad about not having my daughter
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.