Despite all the brooding among the anti-Trump left and the pro-Trump right over the existence of the small band of Republicans who continue to criticize...
DHS proposed a rule that would establish standards of care for detaining all illegal alien minors. It includes a provision that would allow for the joint detention of illegal-alien parents and children until they win their asylum case or are deported. The rule would set aside a 2015 court order related to the “Flores settlement” that requires the release of illegal-alien minors and their parents after only 20 days.
In this episode I address the troubling tactics by the Democrats to derail the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. If this is allowed to stand these tactics will destroy Trump’s power to appoint people. I also address the explosive new revelations that FBI investigators may have fabricated the entire premise for the Trump investigation.
An Alabama high school student was attacked after a homecoming football game allegedly over the teen’s social media post about the Black Lives Matter protests.
In addition to a commitment to enforcing the Constitution as written, the successor to Justice Antonin Scalia should possess two of his virtues. First, he or she must unflinching in pursuit of principle even in the face of the rewards that often come from abandoning it. The highest honors from our legal and academic establishmentRead More
The New Republic wrote an expose on Media Matters for America Monday that included a shocking-- simply shocking-- revelation: the David Brock-run organization
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon cued up author Michael Higginbothum to claim that there was "racial amnesia" and a "Jim Crow mentality" around white voters being willing to vote for Donald Trump in spite of him using "a lot of racial rhetoric" in the campaign. Higginbothum -- author of Ghosts of Jim Crow -- went on to liken modern times to the era after Reconstruction when former Confederates celebrated the Ku Klux Klan and denied that slavery was primarily to blame for the American Civil War.
?Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development.?
"I've stopped letting 30 percent of the people who are mad about immigration determine how I behave."
Conservatives are really not going to like this explanation.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned Democrats would hold fast to their pledge to oppose border wall funding, as President Trump threatened a government shutdown over the issue.
2016 Presidential Election Prediction - Who will be the front runner for each party? Who will set the stage for 2020? What will the main issues be? And more
Asian-American marchers take to Brooklyn streets after 89-year-old woman was set on fire - amNewYork
Hundreds of New Yorkers took the to the streets of Bensonhurst on Saturday to show their support for an 89-year-old Asian woman who was attacked by a
He's always watching. And you better keep him happy.
FEC records show that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign used Uber for transportation despite her having a history of bashing Uber for being unregulated.
Tucker Carlson recently asked how diversity is our greatest strength, receiving an angry reaction and predictable accusations of racism. Nobody actually bothered to offer a good faith answer, becau…
President-elect Donald Trump sold all of his stockholdings in June, removing himself from positions in numerous U.S. companies.
New York Times columnist Paul …
Kass: Who shaped Chicago Police Department culture in DOJ report? They weren't saints.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is presently in conflict for the title as America’s slimiest government official, as she’s currently under a few investigations, including a man of interest for a murder, and under ?
Three of the victims were Cal Poly students, while the fourth went to Cuesta College, authorities said.