Designer Andre Soriano, who immigrated to the U.S. from the Philippines, is a big fan of the new president.
How many important stories did the media ignore this week to focus on Charlottesville and Steve Bannon?
"The American people have had enough..."
With Obama out of office, Planned Parenthood is finally vulnerable...
San Francisco Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer led a chant of “F— the POA,” referring to the city’s police officers’ union, during an election night party for district attorney candidate Chesa Boudin.
Liberals should be ashamed be of this.
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts on Wednesday all punted on mentioning USA Today's above-the-fold scoop about how an "Istanbul-based college professor...accused by the Turkish government of coordinating last month's failed coup attempt, is at the center of a group of suspicious 2014 contributions to a super PAC supporting...Hillary Clinton." CBS and ABC's morning shows covered Vice President Biden's visit to Turkey, but omitted mentioning this development. NBC didn't cover Turkey at all, but Today aired a segment on the decline in the use of bar soap.
Butthurt social justice warrior and professional victim loves to compete in the special snowflake oppression Olympics. Just like every other SJW who had thei...
Reporter Julia Ioffe has been fired by Politico after she suggested on Twitter that President-elect Donald Trump is having sex with his daughter Ivanka.
Morning Joe is reporting that sources confirm to him that the White House is already redrafting a new version of his executive order that was blocked by the 9th circuit court: .@JoeNBC reports: Sou…
The stability that the generals provide the Trump administration is worth the risk of a negative precedent ...
The Dems want to pin the Confederate Flag, KKK, Great Depression, urban decay, and harsh marriage laws on the GOP... pin the tale on the Donkey instead!
Ted Cruz defended himself today in a special session against charges that he broke rule 19 of the Senate rules by calling Mitch McConnell a liar about what he promised to him personally: Here's a F...
The dispute could decide whether Bitcoin succeeds---but it also offers a clear view into the open source world.
WOW! Cruz knocked it out of the park! Great job, senator!
President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a document on Tuesday stating that Pyongyang would to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula— a historic concession, which was one of the requirements the U.S. sought at the summit in Singapore.
Senators couldn't muster enough bipartisan support to pass a series of gun control measures Monday, the latest in a long string of failed attempts at enacting tighter curbs on firearms in the United States.
So this happened last night. Democrats heckled the reading of the names of war dead at the sham “patriotic night” ...
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and challenger Cynthia Nixon argued over who was the stauncher opponent of U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday in their only debate as they battle for the state's Democratic gubernatorial nomination next month.
The presidential race is tightening, according to the polls that journalists swear by.
Trump finally gave the order to march on the capital no more stand back and stand by.
To Block Schumer, Name Mike Lee to the Supreme Court - Robert Morrison: There's a way for the incoming Trump administration to call .01/20/2017 14:55:07PM EST.
There was civil unrest in Russia Monday, as anti-corruption protestors took to the streets all across the country during a national holiday celebration. Roughly 1,500 people were arrested for gathering to denounce their government. The White House came out strong and condemned Russia for cracking down on the peaceful protestors. All of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) reported on the mass arrests during their evening broadcasts, but they all ignored the White House’s condemnation of the Russian government.
This is Ferguson - coming soon to a community near you. Ferguson exports radical activists to South Carolina to stir up the hate. Deray McKesson, one of the lead agitators in Ferguson who is from Minnesota, is now training activists…