The #MeToo movement is jubilant over the guilty verdict against Bill Cosby for molesting Andrea Constand fifteen years ago. But guilty or not, Cosby is guaranteed a fair trial. That?s the bedrock idea of our legal system. He didn’t get one. Camille Cosby?s statement on Thursday condemning her husband?s trial as unfair is largely true. ?
Officer Wilson was not indicted in the killing of Michael Brown because the witnesses, forensics, ballistics, and other physical evidence supported his version of events. Simple. The other version was a rumor-fueled fabrication from the very beginning, and the grand jury saw through it. But today I’m hearing a lot of people say that they …
A new bill in Congress, called the "Screening With Dignity Act," could mandate that the Transportation Safety Administration alter their passenger screening program to become more "inclusive" of transgender and non-gender binary individuals.
One of the most bizarre aspects of the investigations engulfing the Trump administration is the lawyers involved. Here we have a presidency on the line, and this is Trump's team? The top legal spokesmen for each side are . . . Rudy Giuliani and Lanny Davis!? Up until this point, though, Giuliani was the Great Contradictor and Davis was merely a colorful character. Now that has changed in a big way. In a new interview with The Washington Post's Tom Hamburger and Rosalind S. Helderman, Davis is backing off two massive claims he made in recent weeks, including that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen has told people he witnessed President Donald Trump being informed of Donald Trump Jr.
A international team of researchers has completed one of the most detailed analyses of a Neanderthal genome to date. Among the many new findings, the researchers learned that Neanderthals first mated with modern humans a surprisingly long time ago, and that humans living today have more Neanderthal DNA than we assumed.
Lee Saunders, 35, said a Muslim shop worker at Tesco in Feltham, Middlesex, asked him to queue up at a different till when he tried to buy the £4 bottle due to her 'religious beliefs'.
The plan to restructure the US intelligence community is in line with Trump?s ?drain the swamp? campaign mantra and is prompted by his belief that the Office of National Intellige…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeryDicey Website: www.verydicey.com Email: verydicey@gmail.com
In cellphone video of the incident obtained by News 4, students en route to their Parkway school can be heard arguing with the 12-year-old
?The data were also altered ? intentionally or unintentionally ? in other ways, and those alterations produced the article?s main findings,? Pickett wrote in his reque…
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) embeds tracking software in its emails to monitor the online activity of Capitol Hill staffers, an aide told The Daily Caller after receiving a warning sent t
The Islamic State has grown beyond its original home in Syria and Iraq, extending its operations into other parts of the Middle East and North Africa by establishing alliances and absorbing other terrorist groups.
Two school resource officers from the West Haven Police Department were caught running a side hustle selling sodas to students right from their office inside West Haven High School, according to records uncovered only by News 8
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) considers the Orlando nightclub shooting, an ISIS-inspired attack that left 49 dead, a right-wing plot, along with the shootings of police officers by anti-white
It's only the second week of 2017, but it's already been a banner year for preening liberals on cable TV who are hell-bent on self-immolation in the name of proving everyone else's moral...

Immigration Enforcement Big Bang

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

"This is a law-enforcement agency," said President Trump to DHS staff after he signed two executive orders on immigration enforcement.

In Defense of a More Ethical Capitalism

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

(WBIR) An East Tennessee store owner is using a controversial sign to respond to the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality
Two Eritrean refugees went on a stabbing spree in a Swedish IKEA, killing a young mother and her son. The response? IKEA has banned knives! The government th...
“Silent Night” has new meaning to a Louisiana church after they were issued criminal sanctions because their worship services exceeded 60 decibels
All over the world - the spread of the Trump revolution continues for a free people and sovereign nations free from the clutches of globalism and Islamic ter...
President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to head the Justice Department as attorney general in his incoming administration. The announcement brings hope that Sessions, a staunch opponent of illegal immigration and the unchecked flow of refugees to the United States, will reverse policies of President Obama’s attorney general – particularly the special [?]
President Donald Trump is being asked to exercise his authority as commander-in-chief and reinstate the pay and benefits of an Army doctor who was kicked out of the service after nearly 20 years for doing the same thing the president had done before he was a candidate, ask questions about President Obama’s birth certificate. Lt. […]