Tells Alliance Defending Freedom, "You are not a hate group."
Movie now called Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey in "search expansion"
Texas ‘presents constitutional questions of immense national consequences,’ namely that the 2020 election suffered from serious constitutional errors.
In a landmark 2010 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that in addition to the federal government, states must also respect the public's individual constitutional right to bear arms. Yet the high court has neglected to take any more major Second Amendment cases in the decade since that would have…
Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano warned this weekend of October "suppression polls" designed to reduce turnout during ...
A former aide to Roger Stone is being held in contempt after refusing to appear before a grand jury in the special counsel’s Russia probe.
Watch Bernie Lost Control Of His Crowd " Overpowered By Petite Anti-dairy Protesters And Topless Women".Some nutty anti-dairy industry protesters
A school gave a 2nd grade assignment that asked the name of the president, but offered only that of Biden, and not of Trump, as a choice.
George Clooney is worried about Donald Trump running to be America's commander-in-chief again in 2024.
Donald Trump spent last night basking in the glory of his own reflection, as his RNC address received popular plaudits in polling. Then, this morning, before all the balloons had been popped, Trump reverted to type: he lost what was left of his addled mind. Again. Republicans just nominated the stupidest, most unstable man in the country for the presidency. For one night, they could forget that – the teleprompter hid it, even if his face gave telltale, sweaty signs. By the next morning, the teleprompter was gone, and Trump was back to being Trump.
TV criticism: A documentary on Arte looks behind the headlines about the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and provides…
After so many sworn affidavits about Election Day oddities and statistical improbabilities, a majority of Republicans think the 2020 election was neither f
It’s been almost two years since COVID-19 upended lives worldwide and left 700,000 Americans dead, but still there is no definitive answer on how, where or why the pandemic started.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is barely securing 50 percent of the vote in his reelection bid, according to Trafalgar Group's latest poll.
Ted Cruz’s failure to endorse rival Donald Trump for president at last week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio has ...
On Monday, February 17th, Ohio University was assaulted and ambushed by a prominent right-wing hate figure by the name of Kaitlin Bennet. She offensively privileged her way onto campus and began assaultingly asking students of the school offensive trivia questions about American presidents. Everything about her was triggering but luckily the brave liberals of the …
The credibility of public health officials was shot earlier this year after members of the medical community approved of the months-long protests – i.e. superspreader events – following the death
The application opens the door for authorization of the extra dose potentially before the end of the year, which could provide millions of people with another layer of security as winter drives many indoors.
Rep. Tim Ryan decided to hold up a beer can during his interview on MSNBC on Monday. The Ohio Senate candidate told host Lawrence O'Donnell "we're gonna bring it home."
Trump is now pretending the Republican Party is united behind him. He told a crowd tonight in Denver that “you knew the party was united” when they booed Ted Cruz off the convention sta…
“Normally you have separation of powers, and you have supervision, but with special prosecutors you don’t have very much supervision. That’s the great danger.”
Media outlets portray pro-life advocates as racists, but Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had a history of racist, pro-eugenics comments.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against President Trump in his election challenge on Monday.