President Donald Trump continued his aggressive statements to North Korea, warning them not to threaten America or any of its allies.
The March 4 incident involved allegedly drunk agents who drove into the White House complex in a government vehicle. A House committee held a contentious hearing Tuesday.
Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt says he found a glitch in PennDOT's approach to "moter-voter" that may prompt some people, in this country legally but not eligible to vote, to register to vote anyway.
Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing was canceled despite being on top of the ratings. It made little to no sense whatsoever. Outside of Duck Dynasty, Allen’s show served as one of the only on TV that catered to a right-leaning
The American people elected somebody who’s tough, who is smart, and who is a fighter. It’s Donald Trump. And I don’t think it’s a surprise to anybody that he fights fire with fire. – Sarah Huckabee Sanders RasmussenReports.com reported yesterday that The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 46% of Likely …

Cruz Fails the Latino Test?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

As the presidential race gears up, so does the blatant liberal bias in the classroom. My political science class always begins with some light current events chatter. In one particular instance, my professor expressed how “of course” there were only old white men running in the Republican Party primary this go around. I couldn’t help myself; I laughed out loud. “What about Ted Cruz? Marco Rubio? Ben Carson? Carly Fiorina? Bobby Jindal?” I insisted. Not missing a beat, my professor informed me that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz isn’t Hispanic enough. I actually gasped. “How can you say someone isn’t Hispanic enough!?” According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people who identify their origin as Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino may be of any race. In other words, who’s Hispanic? Anyone who says they are. Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, was imprisoned in Cuba under Batista’s regime. He fled Cuba speaking no English and traveled to America, a true Cuban migrant. Just one generation away, Ted Cruz is obviously “Hispanic enough.? How disappointed I was to hear such foolishness force-fed to my impressionable classmates. It is interactions like this that make me believe speaking up and taking a stand is imperative. For as many professors and liberal students who roll their eyes at me when they see me raise my hand, I have had twice as many students pull me aside after class and thank me. ?I don’t necessarily agree with your opinion, but I’m glad you brought it up. I never thought of it that way before,” is
An alleged sexual assault on a five-year-old special needs girl has put a small Idaho city at the center of the debate over the Obama administration’s move to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Communism is a bad system of ideas. No statement might seem more obvious, but the reasoning behind it would be regarded by cultural tastemakers as “problematic” if it were applied to Islam. Ev
GOP presidential nominee holds a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session during Democratic Convention in Philadelphia Donald Trump dropped in on Reddit on Wednesday for an “Ask Me Anything” session on the very same night that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were set to speak at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia. In addition to being boring, Trump seemed to have some technical difficulty, first with his plane and then with his WiFi. “Voter fraud is always a serious concern and authorities must be vigilant from keeping those from voting that are not authorized to do so,” Trump posted in response to a question on the issue. Though dubbed “Ask Me Anything,” it was anything but, as only established users were allowed to participate in order to weed out digital protesters. Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee tweeted: “What advice do you have for young people who want to get into the political-asshole field? Trump’s appearance on the news aggregation site came hours after comments he made at a press conference in Florida that encouraged supposed Russian computer hackers to attack Clinton’s email accounts.
I was watching Fox’s coverage of the Aretha Franklin funeral last week and enjoying the celebration. I thought Stevie Wonder was particularly good and very moving. He is a marvelous singer, but for my money he is an even greater pianist. He really trips his fingers across the keys and too gorgeous effect. At any rate, the ceremony was a fitting tribute to a woman who for decades has entertained us all.
President Obama said his biggest policy disappointment as president was not passing gun control laws, according to an interview CNN aired Wednesday evening. If you ask me where has been the one area where I feel that I've been most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the United States of America is the one advanced nation on Earth in which we do not have sufficient common sense gun safety laws, Obama told Fareed Zakaria in the TV special, The Legacy of Barack Obama. Despite national anger following mass shootings throughout his two terms, Obama was unable to convince Congress to pass legislation that would change those policies, including enhancing background checks and not selling firearms at gun shows and other venues. Obama was adamant in the days following the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Conn., that he had done all he could to keep the U.S. afloat in the midst of other challenges, including the auto and bank bailout, and did not have the support to push a controversial gun bill now. Obama's frustration prompted him to take executive action in January 2016.
"2017 is shaping up to be equally, if not more interesting. The Dutch national election is among the series of significant events due to take place in this potentially pivotal year. In recent days the leader of the populist Dutch Party for Freedom has been convicted of hate speech, an event that has gained international coverage thereby thrusting Dutch politics closer to the mainstream"
Among NATO’s most serious problems is Recip Erdogan, the president of Turkey. He is more than a political nuisance, because he threatens both the commitment of NATO’s members to defend each other and the Westernized composition of the nation he leads. In the last half of the 19th century, under ?
LONDON (AP) — Teams of technicians worked "round the clock" Saturday to restore hospital computer
At the end of the day, the “public trust” is our most important national asset. Without public trust, the wheels fall off of our nation of laws. Can there be an act more loathsome than the intentional squandering of the public trust, for the sake of political gain? The congressional passage of the disastrous Obama-brokered Iran nuclear deal of 2015 is a prime example. The tactics used to intentionally deceive the American public — 57 percent of whom disapproved of the deal — amounted to a gross non-disclosure of significant dangers. For the sake of political gain, Iran, America’s sworn
Alejandro Mayorkas, the former director of U.S. Customs and Immigration Services, favored projects championed by Nevada U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and Hillary Clinton's broth
Chilling Video depicting the future of America (Demography is Destiny) ‘We’re Going to Be the Majority Soon’ taunt Muslims: Security Guards Get Involved as S...

Paul slams spending bill

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Kentucky Republican said Congress is a "withering shadow."
The endorsement of Marco Rubio by pro-same-sex marriage hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer might turn social conservatives away from Rubio.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is blasting the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal that was made public Thursday.
Another day, another flawed fracking study gets retracted for a basic math error. The study in question was retracted after researchers admitted that when calculations were corrected, the results changed significantly.
With the media furiously obsessed over the supposed imminent end of the Trump presidency (spoiler alert: nope), the new conversation among the elite concerns the supposed evils of Vice President Mi…
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.
In the highly controversial area of human intelligence, the ‘Greater Male Variability Hypothesis’ (GMVH) asserts that there are more idiots and more geniuses among men than among women. Darwin’s research on evolution in the nineteenth century found that, although there are many exceptions for specific traits and species, there is generally more variability in males than in females of the same species throughout the animal kingdom. Evidence for this hypothesis is fairly robust and has been reported in species ranging from adders and sockeye salmon to wasps and orangutans, as well as humans. Multiple studies have found that boys and men are over-represented at both the high and low ends of the distributions in categories ranging from birth weight and brain structures and 60-meter dash times to reading and mathematics test scores. There are significantly more men than women, for example, among Nobel laureates, music composers, and chess champions—and also among homeless people, suicide victims, and federal prison inmates. Darwin had also raised the question of why males in many species might have evolved to ?
Clinton staffers boasted that ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos used campaign talking points to rebut “Clinton Cash” author Peter Schweizer...