Multiple victims said they were unexpectedly caught in the crossfire.
The "Fairness in Women's Sports Act," a bill prohibiting transgender women to play sports that align with their gender identity, was signed into law by Hutchinson.
According to GŌŌST CEO Cliff Gephart, Big Tech is the enemy of Western Civilization, and now has a worthy adversary in the fight for privacy.  GŌŌST
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says he has “a pretty good idea” of who leaked the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization draft decision that made conservative justices “targets of assassination.” To date, nobody has been publicly named a suspect or charged for the leak. The draft opinion was leaked in May 2022, more than […]
By ending federal deduction for state and local taxes, president's plan would make high-tax blue states pay their fair share.
If current mores, and current leaders, give so much as a breath of consideration to ripping down a statue of Churchill, if those same leaders do not simply mock the arrogant pretensions of those same protesters, we should all simply give up and go home
“Players are very much aware” of new legislation in Georgia that places restrictions on voting, MLBPA executive director Tony Clark told the Globe.
May 08, 2023 (SUPER MARKET RESEARCH via COMTEX) -- Syndicated Analytics latest report titled "Kohl Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends,...
House Republicans plan to hold a vote on a bill aimed at repealing and replacing key measures of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare
Shaun King said Monday it’s time for anything resembling “white Jesus” to be expunged from the public square.
Biden regime transport secretary Pete Buttigieg has indicated he could push for a kilometer tax on Americans that would force them to pay the government for too many trips. The move would help pay Biden's $ 3 trillion infrastructure bill, and 'shows a lot of promise,' according to Buttigieg. Asked by an NBC reporter is
May 16, 2023 (SUPER MARKET RESEARCH via COMTEX) -- The report ” Polyvinyl ChlorideManufacturing Plant Project Report 2023: Industry Trends, Plant Setup,...
“We have a duty to do whatever it takes to fix the flawed healthcare system in the United States. Unlike the democrats, we are willing to do what is abso...
Federal law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that no federal crimes were committed in the case of NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s team finding what they believed was a “noose” in his garage stall over the weekend. In a statement, the FBI said: On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at […]
A new "joint WHO-China study" into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in China, claims that the theory that the coronavirus escaped from a lab in Wuhan to be the least likely theory out of four possible theories — however, U.S. officials are casting doubt on the report.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine under several pretexts reminds me of Adolf Hitler’s rationale for invading and annexing Sudetenland in 1938.
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Soy Sauce Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Tr
Sikhs Launch Pro-American, Pro-Integration Movement
The Justice Department released Peter Strzok notes from 1/4/2017 regarding the Flynn-Kislyak calls. Last month it was revealed 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was in a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting discussing General Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak with Obama, Yates, Comey, Rice and Brennan. Now we know that Obama and…
In a COVID-19 update speech, President Joe Biden urged Americans to mask-up and for states to reinstate mandates, as the "only way" back to normal.
Del Duca says measure would help send a message that the province considers Russia's act of aggression unacceptable
The report “Vinegar Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2023: Industry Trends, Plant Setup, Machinery
Trump-hating CNN talking head and Republican-In-Name-Only Ana Navarro has offered free legal advice to a socialists with the organization Support Bloc for Nicaraguan Unity, or BAUNIC, angering fellow expatriate Nicaraguans in the Miami area. The current Miami ambassador for the international-socialist Sandinista government, Luis Martinez-Noguera, founded the Navarro-backed group. It’s little wonder that Navarro took ?