Kamau M. Marshall, head of former Vice President Joe Biden’s strategic communications, has a history of sexist Twitter posts. According to an exclusive report from Fox News, Marshall’s disparaging posts go back over a decade, during which he referred to women as people needing to be put in their place and even equated disgraced comedian […]
A poll conducted less than one month prior to President Trump's decision on Wednesday to reverse an Obama-era policy that allowed transgende...
Hulu announced it's developing "Rodham," an alternate history fantasy where Hillary Clinton never married Bill Clinton.
Kelly Osbourne: ‘F*** Cancel Culture’
Days after its sweeping covert internet surveillance operation was exposed through media reports, the United States Postal Inspection ...
Fifty years after Martin Luther King campaigned for black economic equality, the difference in income between blacks and whites remains the same.
Pop icon Taylor Swift is now experiencing the wrath of the cultural appropriation police, with fans now claiming her performance at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards on Wednesday was ripped off from Beyoncé.

A Few Thoughts on Law and Justice

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

For me, the real enemies of America are the extremists on both sides: the hard left that would bring America down, the hard right white supremacists and neo‑Nazis.... People from the hard left do not even want to hear from people on the center left. I
BREAKING: Marshal’s Deputy Under Investigation For Criticizing LeBron James
The German city of Cologne is considering dropping a depiction of its historic Christian cathedral from the city's logo.
President Donald Trump has taken so much heat from liberals and the media for simply demanding that U.S. immigration laws be enforced. But, the Democrats seem to forget that there was a time that they, too, demanded the same kind of respect for the law! Back in 1993, then Sen. Harry Reid...
With the bans of Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and others from Facebook and Instagram yesterday, for being what Mark Zuckerberg considers “dangerous,” those who promote non-establishment narratives online are wondering: who’s next, and where? One thing we’ve learned over the past three years of ever-tightening social media censorship is that where one tech giant goes, the others often follow. Just look at the mass-ban of Infowars that occurred last September. At the urging of CNN and others, one Silicon Valley company after another dropped the controversial independent media outlet from their platforms. First Apple, then Facebook, then Spotify, then YouTube, then Twitter — most of these in a 48-hour window. It’s a tech censorship domino effect. Remember that these companies are beset by constant pressure from left-wing advocacy organizations, from the mainstream media, and from their own far-left employees to censor and blacklist the right. When one company buckles, those forces have the ammunition they need to force other companies to buckle too. “Apple did something! Why aren’t we doing something too?” That’s probably how the conversation went among Facebook employees in the window between Apple’s ban of Infowars and Facebook’s. Thus the domino effect began. This time it’s Facebook raising the bar of censorship, with its introduction of politically motivated link-banning. Not only have they banned Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones’ personal account, but they’ve also promised to delete any links to Infowars that appear on the platform, and ban anyone who tries to post them too often. This is a formula not just for banning high-profile political targets, but masses of their supporters as well. It’s a tool for culling the anti-establishment grassroots. The second thing Facebook has done is set a public precedent for targeting individuals not just for alleged violations of the terms of service on their part, but also on the basis of their connections to banned figures. According to the Verge , a Facebook representative explained that one factor in yesterday’s bans was the fact that the banned individuals had appeared in videos or praised people like Gavin McInnes and Tommy Robinson, who have previously been banned by the platform. In other words, it’s not just posting links. If you praise the wrong person, pose for a selfie with them, or worse — appear in a video with them — you could be banned too. This is censorship on a new scale, censorship Facebook-style. The platform’s slogan was once “connect the world” — now it’s using its knowledge of those connections to censor not just individuals, but entire social networks and movements. The only question is, will other companies now follow suit? Will independent personalities on YouTube be banned for interviewing the wrong person? If you invite Alex Jones on your Periscope channel, will that be banned too? What about Amazon, Discord, Spotify? Game streaming platform Twitch is already ahead of the curve, having a person banned from Twitch on your Twitch stream can result in your own banning. Remember, this is far-left Silicon Valley we’re talking about. You can practically hear the employees of those companies, berating their upper management. “Facebook took a stand against hate speech! Why aren’t we?” https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/05/04/bokhari-beware-the-big-tech-censorship-domino-effect/
U.S. prosecutors on Friday unveiled charges against 18 Portland, Oregon protesters ranging from assaulting police to arson and trespassing, a day after the Trump administration expanded the deployment of tactical police to Seattle.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - After Senator Tim Scott said America is no longer a racist country, Democrats scrambled to prove him wrong. They quickly devastated his argument by going into storage and dusting off their old KKK hoods, which they then donned to show him just how racist America actually is.'If America isn't racist, would we be wearing these? Ch ...

The Essence

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

So, it’s Monday night at the Loews Del Coronado Beach resort in San Diego. My driver, Robert David, a super nice man whose family largely perished under horrible circumstances in the Holocaust, has driven me down here. I twisted my back while turning to watch FB and also Jimmy Kimmel two nights ago, so I have my pal and fellow scribe, Judah Friedman, keeping me company and helping me with my briefcase. My room has a breathtaking view out over the San Diego Bay and I can see moonlight and palms. The furniture is bright and cheery and the evening
Can you believe it's been SIX years(2005) and NO outrage!? hate-crime charges? imprisonment? lawsuits? No Whites Rights organization is allowed to EXIST or r...
Sunday on MSNBC's "Velshi," Rep. Val Demings (D-FL), who has been mentioned as a potential Vice President pick on the Democratic ticket, said President Donald Trump was willing to "cheat to win, which she said included "foreign powers" interfering in the election. | Clips
Saturday on CNN's "Smerconish," Democratic strategist James Carville followed up on an interview he conducted with the left-leaning website Vox last month, warning Democrats about the dangers of overreaching on the so-called "woke" culture. | Clips
The NYT mentioned that the Laptop from Hell is authentic — after calling the original New York Post report “baroque mythology” at the time.

An America First Immigration Policy

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

While leftists debate a poem about “huddled masses,” two senators introduce a very smart bill.
At the start of the bottom of the third inning of last night’s Marlins-Cubs game, the NBC Sports Chicago broadcast cut to analyst Doug Glanville for an update. While Glanville was talking, a fan in a hoodie waved hello to the camera, flashed a peace sign, then made an upside-down OK hand gesture with his fingers.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has introduced a pair of amendments to a defense appropriations bill that would bar the military from using funding to maintain a recruiting presence in U.S.
Here's what you need to know about how the American Rescue Plan Act has expanded tax credits for working parents.