Zedd, a superstar DJ and music producer from Germany, has been permanently banned from China for liking a tweet from “South Park’s” official account. CNBC verified Zedd’s claim with his publicist. The tweet that Zedd liked was one celebrating “South Park’s” 300th episode: “South Park” recently released an episode mocking China’s strict censorship rules. More
Court-packing is one of a number of ways in which Democrats hope to establish long-term one-party rule. Their nominee’s silence about it speaks volumes.
Fauci says he can't rule out indefinite COVID booster shots but says one will hopefully suffice
Republicans lead the Democrats on the generic congressional ballot by ten points, two points higher than the previous week.
Why do we keep listening to the same people who've been completely wrong for the last two decades?
Illegal DREAMERs marched 250 miles from New York City to Washington DC to demand Congress give them amnesty. Unfortunately they were arrested outside the city limits. They will miss the rally. They’re illegal, shutting down streets AND blocking traffic. And they are completely perplexed on why they were arrested? HAPPENING NOW: Undocumented youth who walked …
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was surprised by how quickly President Donald Trump withdrew US troops from northern Syria, Axios reported.
The coronavirus restrictions imposed by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, have turned Pauline Grady from a lifelong Democrat into a registered Republican who is voting for President Trump.
Researchers in Japan have provided new evidence that the ballooning COVID-19 Lambda variant may be as contagious as Delta while evading vaccine efforts.
'The Trudeau government has apparently moved on from their attack on the oil and gas industry and set their sights on Saskatchewan farmers.'
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
A Supreme Court ruling ensured that the DACA program will survive past a March 5 deadline imposed by President Trump, but DREAMers remain on edge.
This channel is meant to create awareness on about the dealing in the United state politic,debunking political lies and creating a strong platform for the Am...
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said during an interview on Monday that the 56% of Americans who say that they are better off now than four

Horror at the Kabul Airport

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

This is insane...
“CBS Sunday Morning” promoted a segment discussing the friendship between former President Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen as one of their “Sunday Best.”
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump hit the NFL as “soft” during a campaign rally in Reno, Nev., on Sunday."Football has become soft like our country has become soft,” Trump said to applause."
The European Union is preparing punitive tariffs on iconic U.S. brands produced in key Republican constituencies, raising political pressure on President Donald Trump to ditch his plan for taxing steel imports.


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Climate alarmists believe humans control the climate. This self-infatuation and arrogance is very similar to 500 years ago, when ignorant people believed hum...

The Barbarians Are Threatening Us!

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

...explosive geo-political distrust is the belief that those states who disagree with you are not just wrong, but illegitimate and always threatening. They are the barbarians beyond the city walls.
Thomas Catenacci  Leaders of the U.K., Germany and other Western nations bemoaned the stunning fall of Afghanistan, while foes such as China and Iran
Educational freedom is good for everybody but unions, bureaucrats, and the education establishment.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
It was in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign that Susan Rice proved to be a pivotal figure preventing the United States from countering Russian attempts at election meddling. The former National Security Adviser, who chaired a number of high-ranking intelligence principals, told an official to “stand down” on developing cyber-espionage countermeasures because they …
More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas, Texas, were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale.