Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is not backing down from supporting the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in Georgia, retired NFL star running back Herschel Walker, in the wake of media attacks on the candidate.

What Now, Britain?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Britain’s historic decision to leave the European Union represents a blow for political centralization. However, it’s also a sobering reminder that the work of advancing peace and economic freedom is never done.
An art education professor is urging his colleagues to use social justice-themed art classes to fight “geometries of whiteness.”
Sanders fans are fuming.
Attorney General William P. Barr on Tuesday announced that he had given special counsel status to the prosecutor investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe, assuring the investigation can’t be squashed by presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden.
Even U.K. news outlets see the reality Dems don't...
The Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District has suspended the entire UCISD police force, the district announced Friday.The decision came down following "recent developments" in the investigation into how police officers botched the response to the May 24 Robb Elementary School massacre that ...
Ramadan in Baghdad: Muslim murders 12 in jihad attack on mosque Hizballah top dog:
During a recent segment on ‘The Five’ co-host Juan Williams had a really tough time admitting that the booming economy under Trump has anything to do with Trump. Greg Gutfeld...
The degrading of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ may prove the most damaging legacy of the Democrats’ charade. No election will be over, ever.
He lost the election, but did better than most experts were predicting. How does this keep happening?
Epoxy Resins Production Cost Analysis Report 2021, Profit Margins, Land and Construction Costs, Price Trends, Raw Materials Costs
China also started to buy up global PPE stocks in Europe, Australia and the US around the same time, experts say
Over the weekend, New York City hosted a Gay Pride Parade; leftists, like presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Comrade Bill de Blasio, “Reverend” Al Sharpton and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, all gleefully walked the streets and posed for photo-ops. On an unrelated note, a #HeterosexualPrideDay hashtag began trending Wednesday morning on Twitter, and the left lost its  mind.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran reacted skeptically Tuesday to President Donald Trump saying that he's willing to negotiate with his Iranian counterpart "anytime," but top officials did
Pete Buttigieg argued that the popular vote should take electoral precedence, just after he lost the popular vote to Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Joey Miller’s 'Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss,' is an indispensable and empathetic guide for mothers trying to move on after infant loss.
Nov 01, 2021 (SUPER MARKET RESEARCH via COMTEX) -- Football Equipment Market: Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Application Analysis,...
Thanks to a left-wing, “woke” political intervention, the second Monday in October has been designated by some as Indigenous Peoples Day. It used to be solely known as Columbus Day, named for the Italian explorer who notified the civilized world of the Western Hemisphere. But because left-wingers…

Honoring Independence Day

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

240 years ago, 56 men laid their lives, fortunes and sacred honor on the line for Liberty, after having exhausted all their political options. In 2016, Americans wonder if we live in a time, "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them."  


Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

In the third and final part of this interview series Dale B Martin talks about his personal faith and how he belives in theological claims that he does not think are tue historically.
Presidential contender Joe Biden jokingly called a college student in New Hampshire a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" during a campaign event on Sunday, just two months after he unloaded on an Iowa voter whom he called a "damn liar" and days after he dryly instructed a climate activist to "go vote for someone else."
Dr. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) joined SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday and discussed the health saga surrounding Joe Biden.
Republican Glenn Youngkin has defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia Governor's race Tuesday. By a vote of 51% to 48.3%, Republican Glenn
The McHenry County state's attorney, sheriff and coroner are denouncing a bill that has been sent to the Illinois Senate that would decriminalize fentanyl, cocaine and heroin as overdose deaths continue at an "alarming rate."