Wednesday’s New York Times featured political reporter Matt Flegenheimer's 1,200-word anti-Trump screed disguised as a “news analysis”: “Is Our Most Important Election Ahead, or Is It Behind Us?” He quoted various Democratic candidates calling 2020 “the most important election” of our lives, then laid every bit of blame for the coronavirus response at the feet of President Trump: "Of course, the answer to Mr. Trump’s initial prompt has always been evident to most Democrats. At stake were health care plans, immigration policies, a generation of court seats and now, they say, many lives that would not have been lost to the coronavirus under more capable executive stewardship."
Medical professionals in Wuhan say they knew about virus deaths as early as December 2019, but it was mid-January before China first informed the WHO of a fatality.
Congressional Republicans and Democrats are skirmishing over yet another policy in the reconciliation bill: child care costs.
Russia can no longer use its natural gas to blackmail Berlin. Germany has filled its storage facilities without Gazprom's help, and it's prepared for next winter as well, writes Andrey Gurkov.
U.S. equities closed mixed on Thursday as investors repositioned their portfolios following the presidential election.
In two separate op-eds yesterday, the senators pitch central planning as the best response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Joe Biden's first act as president centers around signing 15 executive orders undoing much of Donald Trump's legacy - like stopping border wall construction and ending the Muslim ban.
At a time of soaring inflation, the so-called infrastructure bill is the biggest spending program in history.
The escalating demand for toughened glass as a screen protector in various advanced consumer electronic products, including smartphones and tablets, owing to its scratch resistance and high tensile strength properties, is primarily driving the toughened glass market. In addition to this, the increasing utilization of toughened glass as a durable building material in manufacturing numerous interiors and exterior elements, such as windows, doors, facades, skylights, etc., is also stimulating the market growth.
About 150 Border Patrol agents will be deployed to South Texas from Arizona, California and elsewhere to help process a spike in immigrants who have been apprehended after illegally entering the U.S., federal officials announced Saturday.
"There's no suggestion OBVIOUSLY that Wasserman Schultz sent the packages."
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign posted this minute-long web ad Thursday raising questions about Hunter Biden's deals with Chinese business partners and accusing Joe Biden of "standing up for China" and selling out America. "Biden stands up for China ... while China cripples America," says text on the screen.
On the day before Joe Biden became president, a court protected Catholic health care providers from the Obamacare transgender mandate.
According to the latest research report by IMARC Group, the global transaction monitoring software market reached a value of US$ XX Billion in 2021. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to grow at a CAGR of XX% during 2022-2027.
Canadian broadcaster Sid Seixeiro mercilessly attacked Christians and insisted that the NHL had to punish the Philadelphia Flyers.

The Weiner's Office

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

A spin-off of the NBC hit series, "The Office", this sitcom follows Anthony Weiner and his political office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashe...
Amid the coronavirus crisis, it appears CNN's media critic Brian Stelter is unfamiliar with the concept of federalism.
Former President Barack Obama praised President Biden on Thursday for enacting a sweeping slate of executive orders within hours of his inauguration as president.
'A viral video surfaced Friday mocking President Joe Biden over his TikTok collaboration with the Jonas Brothers and pointing out various criticism of his administration.
The Japanese government is planning to downgrade the status of Covid-19, reclassifying the disease to the level of seasonal flu. Covid is currently at the second most serious threat level, on a par with tuberculosis and SARS, but after reclassification it would be at number 5 of 5. The move would mean the lifting of [...]Read More...
There is a "pretty obvious" double standard between the media's coverage of allegations of sexual misconduct against former vice president Joe Biden and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said Monday night.
In the latest attempt to censor and ostracize associates of former President Donald Trump, professors, authors, and industry professionals are [READ MORE]
The Center for Tech and Civic Life’s unprecedented spending is a serious violation of the spirit of free and fair elections.
The expanding number of smokers, on account of the hectic and stressful lifestyles of individuals, is one of the key factors driving the United States cigarette market. In addition to this, the introduction of novel product variants, including filter cigarettes, menthol cigarettes, clove cigarettes, etc., is further propelling the market growth.
OPINION | Controversy is a false flag to blame Clinton loss upon