Dr. Anthony Fauci has enjoyed an accomplished medical career and has been very transparent with the American people during the pandemic.
The US Army on Friday said that roughly 40,000 National Guardsmen and 22,000 Reservists who have refused to get vaccinated against COVID will be barred from duties, effectively cutting their pay an…
Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard pulls no punches when it comes to letting America know what's really going on in Syria. After calling repeatedly for the US to stop supporting militants in an effort to oust the Assad government in Syria, Gabbard has now introduced bi-partisan legislation to put an end to what she calls an "illegal", CIA-sponsored war.
Megan Fox revealed that her 6-year-old son Noah is maintaining his confidence after being laughed at for wearing dresses to school.
President Donald Trump said that he would begin self-quarantine while waiting for coronavirus test results after Hope Hicks, one of his closest aides, tested positive for Covid-19.
With proper credit given to Mr. Charles Dickens, for many Americans living today in America, "these are the worst of times."  A time period that many of us
Jeffrey Tucker toured Jefferson's Monticello estate on July 4 to pay homage to the founding father but said his experience was 'depressing and demoralizing.'
The night before the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, New York City Black Lives Matter activists stormed Macy’s iconic Herald Square store where the parade route begins.
"BIDEN IS A DISGRACE" President Trump GOES IN Joe Biden Over Ukraine Controversy!
California bounds from one crisis to another; most of them being self-imposed.
Salem Keizer school district in Oregon has been in hot water after parents discovered that a pornographic book, Gender Queer, was available in the school library. The school formed a special committee, headed by a woman named Suzanne West, to determine if the book should be removed. West’s job description
In an exclusive interview, the Texas Republican
Adam Schiff, who fought last week’s release of the memo, has described it as a misleading, inaccurate attempt to discredit the investigation of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump campaign’s false?
The Justice Department’s Criminal Division has already investigated President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Joseph R. Biden and concluded Mr. Trump did not violate campaign finance laws, officials announced Wednesday.
Following the success of Nick Sandmann, whose lawsuits have either forced settlements or are moving forward against liberal media outlets like CNN and the New York Times, the co-founder of the Proud Boys group announced he will be doing the same thing. Gavin McInnes plans on suing CNN, Joe biden, and several reporters who routinely …
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday dinged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying at some point the Republican is going to have to “choose” public health over politics.
France's government has suffered its first defeat in parliament after President Emmanuel Macron's ruling party lost its majority in elections last month.
A swarm of reporters entered the apartment where Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik lived after the landlord tore off plywood that was blocking the door.
On Wednesday, MSNBC "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough admitted that the majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump's views on immigration and do not agree with the views of the Democrats, media, and elites.
Todd Phillips, the director of Joker, has said that the outraged behaviour of those on the far-left can become blurred with the actions of those on the far-right.
Under Biden, 7.4 million more jobs would be added than under Trump, Moody’s estimates.

Sending Back the Cubans

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Commentary The Biden administration is sending back Cubans who show up on American shores fleeing political persecution in ...
The former US president described his ex-wife as a "wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman".
Normally it is highly unusual for the White House to comment on an ongoing presidential campaign that does not involve them. Mr. Obama appears unwilling to maintain that long-practiced rule. The Obama White House just indicated it believes Donald Trump is “disqualified” from being President of the United States.   White House Press Secretary made …
President Trump blasted Democrats in Congress for immigration deadlock in a Saturday tweet. “Republicans want to fix DACA far more than the Democrats do,” he posted at 1:50 pm. “The Dems had all th…