Fired Google engineer James Damore has been making the rounds since his ouster, sitting down for int
Brazile on Wednesday also faulted the Clinton campaign for failing to work hard enough to win the White House, and dismissed efforts to reac...
VIDEO NBC Reaches An Abhorrent New Low
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • trump maga qanon ccot america usa conservative news
While you thought they could not get any lower, NBC showed they clearly showed the Fake News media hasn't finished scraping the bottom of the barrel just yet.
A recent fall in global average temperatures over land has been caused by the end of El Nino – the warming of surface waters in a vast area of the Pacific west of Central America.
President Obama on Monday bluntly challenged the Supreme Court over a pending ruling on the validity of ObamaCare subsidies, saying the court shouldn't even have taken up the case -- and warning that a decision striking the subsidies down would be a twisted interpretation of the law.
Fraud, phony science, an office paramour, and gullible youths: These are just some of the ingredients that make up the unappetizing reality of Hampton Creek Foods, according to a new exposé by Bloomberg. Founded by Humane Society of the US’s Josh Balk and fellow disciple Josh Tetrick, Hampton Creek has sought to create a “reset” on the foods we eat with its flagship vegan concoction, Just Mayo (“Just” meaning “righteous”).
Guest essay by Larry Hamlin Dr. Judith Curry conducted an interview on British radio on February 6th addressing, among many topics, how the politicalization of climate science created and driven b…
They had a hearing Thursday in front of a three-judge state appeals court panel.
On Tuesday, the state of California charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress on 15 felony counts over their undercover reporting regarding Planned Parenthood.
Anthony Salvanto was imprisoned in a windowless office on Nov. 8, 2016. His phone was confiscated; guards escorted him to the bathroom. And all he had to look at were numbers, numbers and more numb…
Since the release of FromSoftware’s Demon’s Souls in 2009, it and its spiritual successors—the Dark Souls trilogy and Bloodborne—have acquired reputations that are both built on the games themselves and players’ responses to them. Demon’s Souls and its descendants are as dependent upon their mechanics, level design, and art direction for effect as they are upon narrative obfuscation, and audiences have happily engaged this by spending years picking at details to assemble interpretive webs. These are lushly mysterious worlds that people, including me, want to emotionally invest in. And yet, time and again, that mysteriousness has been degraded by player messages being used for sexist ends.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who made opposition to political correctness a cornerstone of his campaign, wishes supporters a "Merry Christmas" during his 'Thank You Tour' of the country. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
President Barack Obama tackles the polarizing issue of political correctness in a new interview, addressing how he and Donald Trump differ in their perspective. In an interview with NPR's "Morning Edition," conducted last Thursday but airing in its entirety on Monday, Obama addressed whether he agrees with his successor that political correctness has gone too far. Obama told host Steve Inskeep, "If you're narrowly defining political correctness as a hypersensitivity that ends up resulting in people not being able to express their opinions at all, without somebody suggesting they're a victim.
RUSH: It's very, very hard to manipulate people, especially people like Trump, who have been the targets of manipulation their whole lives. You learn to spot it and you really resent the people that try it, because it's an insult to your intelligence.
The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed.
For his 107th Memorial Day, Richard Arvine Overton — believed to be the nation’s oldest veteran — is planning a quiet day at the Texas home he built after returning home from World War II. He wouldn’t want it any other way.
With organized labor making headway among digital media outlets this summer, BuzzFeed Founder and Chief Executive Jonah Peretti says he thinks unionization is not “the right idea” for his company, but makes better sense for places like factories or where the relationship between management and staff is adversarial.
Two men who French police are seeking to identify in connection with the Paris attacks registered as migrants with Greek authorities earlier this year, the Greek police confirmed on Saturday. Both were thought to have registered in Greece, the main entry point into Europe for Syrian refugees. At least one Syrian passport was found at the scene of the Stade de France attack.
The most popular course at Yale these days—enrolling 1,200 students (they had to move the class to a huge building)—is called Psychology and the Good Life. It's not just Yale where courses in positive psychology are all the rage: they're packing students in all over the nation, and have been doing so for some time. The goal is to make students happier.
Mike Pence wrote a detailed op-ed for the Wall Street Journal to further explain how the situation went horribly wrong.