Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Give the framers of the Constitution a lot of credit for having an understanding of human nature that was surprisingly perceptive and ahead of its time. They understood well that, all other things being equal, men will more often act in their own perceived self interest than in the interest of others. They therefore understood that the key to | Read More »
The cult of Christian celebrity and the quest for certainty give rise to men like Roy Moore, and profoundly damage the Church ...
The United Nations and nearly 100 climate scientists from across the globe have issued their latest environmental primal scream. Thanks to climate change, the planet is evidently on a path of “unpr…
Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.
MTV's upcoming special explores how young white people in the U.S. understand race and white privilege.


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

This short part of my next animation stands well as its own video. Fear of Islam is not irrational. Fear of some Muslims can be irrational, of course, but as...
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, left-wing Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal wildly accused fellow guest Jeff Roorda of the St. Louis Police Officer Association of being a racist. Chapelle-Nadal asserted that she, as well as the far-left protesters she supports, were "trying to...ensure that racism does not continue by people like you." Roorda replied, "Are you calling me a racist, Senator?" The Democratic politician replied, "Yes, absolutely!"
Forty-seven U.S. Senators have released an open letter to the Iranian government warning that any nuclear deal signed by President Barack Obama could be revoked by a subsequent U.S. president unless it is ratified by the Senate. The letter, while addressed to the "Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran," is really a warning to Obama not to bypass Congress.
The State Department announced Friday that the U.S. will end all aid to UNWRA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency), the U.N. body dedicated to serving Palestinian Arabs it designates as refugees.

The Disappearance of Desire

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

American history tells a story of rights and recognition extended to formerly excluded people. Going back to the 19th century, movements of the peripheral and...
Fox News fails to provide coverage of the DOJ report that revealed widespread, systemic racism in the Ferguson, MO police department. * Watch the latest full...
Many moderate Muslims were invited to this week's White House summit on violent extremism. But one particular invitee raised some eyebrows, as critics pointed out that he had once suggested Israel should be on the "suspect list" for the 9/11 attacks.
By now it's clear that the brutal gang rape reported last November in Rolling Stone did not occur. I write that, knowing full well the backlash I could receive from not adding the caveat that something could still have happened to Jackie, the accuser in the story. Activists have clung to the idea that something probably did happen to make a young woman tell a tale of a brutal gang rape and become a campus activist to keep the hoax claims isolated to a small subset. These same activists bent over backwards following the Charlottesville Police press conference last week to claim that Jackie probably wasn't lying, because such a false accusation flies in the face of statistics, as one CNN panelist said. Of course, the statistic that only 2 percent of reported rapes are false – doubtful anyway – only applies to rapes actually reported to police, which this one was not.
Democrats have faulted her campaign for months for being so slow-footed that it was in "sleep mode."
What happened last night was a pure ambush, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday, the day after two police officers were shot at a demonstration in Ferguson, Mo. This wasn't someone trying to bring healing to Ferguson. That's putting it mildly. The shootings are just the latest violent act in the Ferguson saga, which began last year when Michael Brown was shot by a police officer. Holder's Justice Department has pretty much exonerated the officer who shot Brown in the violent confrontation. The hands up, don't shoot version of Brown's story was always a lie — one exploited by hucksters such as Al Sharpton and amplified by the media, with tragic results. But even so, the Justice Department, separately, also laid bare a troubled municipal police force that has lost the trust of the community it serves. There still exists a legitimate complaint, especially among young black men, about their routine interactions with police. And it all comes down to a government too powerful and too greedy, with too much to hide.
More at http://www.LouderWithCrowder.com This week, Steven goes to a feminist film festival and gets kicked out in his underwear! Follow me on Twitter: https...
New evidence suggests that our culture’s laissez-faire attitudes toward premarital sex can spoil our marriages later in life.
The Supreme Court has been asked to take a case that could deal a crippling blow to the labor movement.
Venture capitalist, Gawker destroyer and Donald Trump adviser Peter Thiel has taken a look at the Obama presidency, and spotted a flaw: Not enough corruption.
I can't believe what I've been hearing recently from Obamacare defenders over the failing Obamacare co-ops--the most recent count has eight of them going bust. The biggest complaint seems to be that those mean Republicans forced these co-ops out of business because of a provision they included in the last budget. [...]
In an interview with New …

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Political cartoons, humor, jokes, pictures, Obama, Palin and many more from today’s best political cartoonists. Political cartoons are updated daily at Townhall.com ~ March 3, 2015 - 128267
Ezra Klein on the lesson of the 2016 presidential campaign: "A republic, if you can keep it." Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Donald Trump’s n...
A majority of House lawmakers now are on record opposing the Obama administration’s proposed ban on ammunition commonly used in AR-15 rifles.