MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3295/the-fall-of-venezuela-prepare-yourself-accordingly- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3295-the-fa...
AfD politician Steffen Königer ridiculed the Greens in the Brandenburg Parliament for their proposal of a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diver...
Americans’ views of the new tariffs between the United States and some of its trading partners tilt more negative than positive.

Spherical Roller Bearings

Submitted 3 years ago by NBC Bearings

NBC provides durable Spherical Roller Bearings , for carrying heavy loads & fit the misalignments for Industrial Gear boxes, Conveyors, Cement Grinding Rolls, Sugarcane Crushers, Axle Boxes etc.
In Presidential elections where the Republican candidate wins or comes close, you tend to see the same dynamic unfold in terms of the ideological breakdown of the electorate. The Republican wins between 80 and 85% of conservatives, the Democrat wins between 80 and 85% of liberals, and the Democrat wins moderates by some relatively small percentage. The Republican either wins or comes close based on | Read More »
Inteviewing people at the NARAL United for Justice Protest to #StopKavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh was nominated by Donald J. ...
A year from now, they'll be playing dumb about the violations of liberty they enabled.
A woman who has known Kavanaugh since high school told BuzzFeed News she helped organize the letter Thursday and sent it to friends in the area, following reports of a secret allegation against the nominee.
Perhaps moviegoers are just getting tired of the same ol' schtick.
Elon Musk launched a poll on Sunday asking: "Should I step down as head of Twitter?" He added, "I will abide by the results of this poll."
A U.S. judge on Monday affirmed a verdict against Bayer AG unit Monsanto that fo...
As a ragtag caravan of Central American migrants makes its way to Mexico’s northern border, U.S. Pre...
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour called for left-wing press unity in opposition to President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 International Press Freedom Awards on Wednesday.   Accepting an award acknowledging her ostensible contributions to “press freedom," Amanpour issued her call to arms via a prepared speech.
Elon Musk has dropped the hammer on corporate media outlets after the latest batch of Twitter Files exposed the "biggest journalism scam in a very long time.”
Zenefits CEO has reportedly been tapped by tech investor Peter Thiel to assist president-elect.
"We ought to have permission to have a conversation on a return on our investment too,"
Ami Horowitz journeys to Mexico to find out the real reason why there is a caravan of migrants on its way to the United States’ border with its southern neig...
Mitch McConnell has ruled out a select committee being formed to investigate the Russian hacking claims
The Washington Post’s November 24 report checked all the boxes: “The flood of ‘fake news’ this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda campaign,” it began. Not only had American voters been influenced by a deliberate...
Mexican journalist Alex Backman has released a stunning expose on the caravan from Central America.
CNN seems to be staffed almost exclusively with prolific grandstanders and pontificators of a very high caliber. One of their loudest, angriest, and overly dramatic orators is Prime Time host Chris Cuomo. During Tuesday’s edition of the show, he ended the first hour of his program by telling the story of how Thanksgiving got reinvented during times of great hardship and strife in America. According to him, “Thanksgiving is coming, and not a moment too soon” because we’re experiencing one of those times.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to put his pick for Commerce Secretary, billionaire investor Wilbur Ross, in charge of his get-tough trade policy, a transition team spokesman said on Tuesday.
Jew-hating has become too normal in America, and liberal Jewry often keeps mum about it. Left-of-center Jews speak out about white nationalists, but where are they on anti-Semitism when it arises f…
The president-elect signals a return to the nuclear arms race
Rudy Giuliani said that Barack Obama is trying to box Donald Trump into a corner with his last-minute sanctions against Russia. [caption id="attachment_5245298" align="alignnone" width="640"] (Pho