Rep. Steve King Files Federal Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill: 'If a Heartbeat Is Detected, the Baby Is Protected'
Whether the fetus is a person at any given moment of pregnancy is a non-issue, since it will eventually become a person. Therefore, to abort a fetus is to annihilate the person.
The Ninth Amendment doesn't spell out the rights it protects, because they are basic, natural human freedoms.
The Onion – America’s Finest News Source
Last year was difficult for people who enjoy getting things on time. A global supply chain crisis led to delays in shipments and receipts of packages during the holiday season. Now, supermarket shelves are barren, and gas prices are creeping over $5 per gallon yet again. And if the IRS has any say,…
Detroit police are poring over Facebook videos that show people recording a brawl that ended in a double stabbing
CNN's claim that "Islam has always been part of the American fabric" is historical revisionism with a political agenda.
As Landon covered on Friday, thirteen states have signed onto a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in order to obtain records from FBI surveillance related to crackdowns on parents
A member of a black church in Mississippi has pleaded guilty to burning the church, which was also spray painted with the slogan “Vote Trump,” a week before the 2016 presidential election.

Ep. 346 - What True Evil Looks Like

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Palestinians celebrate another slaughter of innocents, “The Mooch” arrives at the White House, and single-payer is on the table!
MTV Decoded, with the help of their host Franchesca Ramsey also known as Youtuber "Chescaleigh" released yet another racially charged video, this time entitl...
A federal court dismissed Planned Parenthood's challenge to the city of Lubbock, Texas, which had passed an ordinance declaring the city a “Sanctuary for the Unborn,” and stated, “Abortion at all times and all stages of pregnancy is declared to be an act of murder.” The ordinance made it illegal to procure or perform an abortion or to aid or abet an abortion within the city limits.
Sen. Rand Paul, a GOP presidential candidate, said Thursday that it is time to “blow up” the current tax code and “start over” with a flat federal tax.
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz raised eyebrows with his idea of giving voters the power to oust Supreme Court justices from the bench. One federal judge says he's so offended by the Texas senator's proposal that he thinks it should disqualify him from the White House.
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A woman says Al Franken pulled her in tightly and put his hand on her buttocks in 2010 while posing for a picture at the Minnesota State Fair, the second al
The Veterans Administration has been using unqualified medical personal to do examinations – and deny benefits - for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center, according to documents obtained during a KARE 11 News investigat
College students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education.
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was on fire in front a 12,000-strong crowd in Phoenix, Arizona.
The daily revelations over Hillary Clinton’s personal email system are raising a perplexing question for former government officials who dealt with sensitive information – who wonder how classified information made its way onto a non-classified State Department network in the first place, when the two systems are not connected.
Tuesday, Stephen Colbert, the former conservative-mocking Comedy Central host, launched his career as David Letterman's replacement with a blatantly "partisan" bias. Wednesday his numbers fell off dramatically. 
When asked about the current House leadership vacuum, staffers for congressman Justin Amash pointed The Daily Caller to his Twitter salute to outgoing Speaker John Boehner. https://twitter.com/
Bernie Sanders: Climate Change is Directly Related To Terrorism