
Guest post by Joe Hoft Every time the corrupt Mueller gang, FBI and DOJ come out with a major news story it is strategically synchronized to cover up another scandal involving their corrupt actions. Today?s arrest of Roger Stone is no exception. Today the corrupt Mueller gang arrested long time Trump friend Roger Stone. He ?


This is one of my favorite Lincoln quotes. It really summarizes the current age of...


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The Alaska Republican Party has censured U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for voting to convict former President Donald Trump at his impeachment trial and now doesn't want her to...


The CEO said that a dozen Chick-fil-A restaurants had been vandalized in the last week, but urged white people not to place a blame on the vandals.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled provides comprehensive insights for establishing an oxoalcohol manufacturing plant The report covers industry performance key success factors risk factors manufacturing requirements project costs and economics expected ROI and profit margins It combines desk research and ...


To understand the leftwing Media?s suicidal obsession with destroying Donald Trump, an observation on the Washington Post?s ?blockbuster? report about the serious security i…


MINNEAPOLIS, MN - As the Derek Chauvin trial continues, many Minneapolis business owners are preparing for the worst. Some are boarding up their windows, while others are just going ahead and smashing their own windows to get it over with already.But one business owner, Michael Foster, had a different idea: he began decorating the windows of his shop, clev ...


Nickel Market Size, Share, Trends and Forecast 2024-2032
Submitted 1 year ago by Jackson Harolin • nickel market nickel market size nickel market share nickel market trends nickel market nickel market growth
Global nickel market size reached US$ 35.3 Billion in 2023 and expected to reach US$ 54.6 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% during 2024-2032.


One cannot imagine a more wrenching moral dilemma than the case of little Charlie Gard. He is a beautiful eleven-month-old boy with an incurable genetic disease. It depletes his cells’ energy-producing structures (the mitochondria), thereby progressively ravaging his organs. He cannot hear, he cannot see, he can barely open his eyes. He cannot swallow, he cannot move, he cannot breathe on his own. He suffers from severe epilepsy and his brain is seriously damaged. Doctors aren’t even sure whether he can feel pain.
For months he’s been at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. His doctors have recommended removing him from life support.
His parents are deeply opposed ...


Sheriff Mike Andrews says his office is working to identify individuals who pulled down the Confederate statue on Durham County property Monday night.


An Arizona law banning ethnic studies violated students' constitutional rights, a federal judge said Tuesday.


White House officials have begun examining emails associated with a third and previously unreported email account on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s private domain, according to three people familiar with the matter.


John McCormack asks Senate Democrats about ending tax exemptions for entities that don't recognize gay marriage. The responses are interesting.


This piece was originally published on PolitiFact.com on July 22, 2019.On June 24, U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez retweeted images that an El Paso


On Tuesday afternoon, GOP hopeful Dr. Ben Carson appeared on The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN to discuss the Planned Parenthood baby parts business model, and made some simple, obvious, but altogether inarguable points. One moment in particular stood out and was featured in a video Tuesday evening by Digitas Daily.


Growing consensus from the GOP candidates that we should shut down the government to defund PP. Fiorina: 'close the government down' to stop Planned Parenthood — Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) August 3,...


Yesterday one of my friends emailed me an article on a young woman from Louisiana who was horribly disfigured in an attack by a group of men who she had been resisting the catcalling of. Her name is...


Hundreds of thousands of migrants challenge EU's liberal stance on open borders.


Fox News is reporting Russia demands American planes exit Syria's airspace as Russia begins its bombing on behalf of Bashar Assad.


Intentionally killing a human being is a direct contradiction of the Hippocratic Oath. No mantra will change that. Elective abortion is not health care.


In recent months there have been a series of cases reported in the media, where some teenage thug — white, black or Hispanic in different cases — has been stopped by a policeman for some routine violation of the law and, instead of comply


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Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s personal foundation launched a pro-LGBTQ campaign which promoted the stories of an 18-month-old “gender nonconforming” child and other transgender kids. The 2018 initiative, called the…


Barack Obama marched with New Black Panthers at the Selma rally in 2007. Shock Photos! New Panther National Chief Malik ...


The Secretary of State said the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017. Aides say that many, though not all, of the additional refugees would be Syrian.