“Trump’s long record of statements and conduct,” the signatories argue, “have shown him indifferent or hostile to the Constitution’s basic features.”
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has heralded Donald Trump’s shock election victory as the end of “liberal non-democracy”. Mr Orbán, who was a vocal supporter of the Trump campaign, said the Republican win would allow Western civilisation to “break free from the confines of an ideology”.
The criminal-justice system is out of control. The news story du jour, from the southern border, is a distraction.
AfD's gains follow last week's mass anti-immigrant protests in the city of Chemnitz
A security advisor to Iraq says his country's agents are holding a top aide to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and used an app on his mobile phone to lure four commanders from the group into a trap.
Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, the co-chair of the DNC, has been accused of domestic violence by the son of his alleged ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan. The accusations were shared by Debra Hilstrom, a Democrat member of Minnesota’s house of representatives. Hilstrom tweeted a link to the shocking Facebook post written by Austin Monahan, who had tagged …
Most mainstream-media newsrooms are overwhelmingly populated by progressives who think alike.
MSNBC: Clinton's Email Tweet is Nonsense, Insulting To Americans' Intelligence (March 5, 2015)
Most Americans havent forgotten the bald-faced lies the Clintons told about Bills affairs and molestations along with the sheer savagery of the attacks their surrogates launched against these women.
Michael Cohen admitted violating campaign finance laws, but Mr Trump says he has "made up stories".
Elizabeth Warren has used her fake Indian heritage to frame herself as somebody affected by America's sad history of racial discrimination. Warren posed as a victim because on the left, victimhood is power.
Senator Campson, SC, providing testimony regarding Article V Convention of States bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
If Alabama voters choose Republican Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate in Tuesday’s special election, it won’t be the first time in the modern era that voters have sent to Congress a man dogged by a teen sex scandal.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu devastated President Obama’s proposed Iranian nuclear deal in a blockbuster speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. The speech came after weeks of Democrat attempts to swivel attention away from its content and toward the supposed political machinations of Netanyahu; instead, that controversy drove focus to the speech itself, was masterfully laid out the rationale for Israeli opposition to Obama’s “very bad deal.”
We cannot get Hillary Rodham Clinton in handcuffs. We can get James Meyers in handcuffs, though, no problem.
Mrs. Clinton, who may very well be the next president of these United States, has been on a decades-long crime spree, from profiting on dodgy cattle futures to obstructing justice with the Rose law-firm records to her top-secret toilet-based e-mail shenanigans. Asked by Jorge Ramos whether she would continue her presidential campaign if indicted, she scoffed at the notion.
#ad#And she was right to scoff. People like Hillary Rodham Clinton do not go to jail without first becoming governor of Illinois or mayor of Detroit, and Herself always has her sights set on a higher office than those. But even relatively lowly players in her world escape jail time. Lois Lerner turned the Internal Revenue Service into a branch of the Obama campaign, using the agency’s fearsome investigatory powers to harass tea-party groups and conservative organizations. She’s enjoying a fat pension right now rather than the federal hospitality she so richly deserves. Kamala Harris, who is trying to do much the same thing with the office of the attorney general in California, probably is headed to the Senate. The Texas prosecutors who harassed Kay Bailey Hutchison, Tom DeLay, and Rick Perry for wholly imaginary crimes are in no danger of facing real recriminations.
RELATED: Hillary’s E-mail Recklessness Compromised Our National Security
And of course Herself has the example of Bill to consider: After a years-long campaign of perjury, suborning perjury, obstruction of justice, and more, all he suffered was the revocation of his law license and a symbolic disbarment — as though he ever intended to practice law again. He has dedicated his post-presidency years to delivering highly remunerated speeches about economic inequality and building an impressive collection of fine wristwatches rather than scratching annual hash-marks into the wall of the cell in Kansas where he belongs.
We have federal employees watching porn all day and using their government credit cards for casinos and hookers. (“Mastercard: When the girl will do anything except take American Express.”) Most of the time, nobody gets fired, and it is exceedingly rare that anybody goes to jail.
You know who gets arrested? Schmucks.
RELATED: The Democrats’ Likely Nominee Appear to Be a Felon — This Is Not Business as Usual
James Meyers is a schmuck. The first three times I saw his story, I rolled my eyes and went on my way, assuming that it was one of those Facebook fictions that make the rounds for some reason. Denounce me as an inside-the-Beltway elitist, but I changed my mind when I saw it in the Washington Post.
Back in the pre-Cambrian age, when there were video-rental stores that loaned VHS tapes for a small fee, Meyers, a North Carolina man, rented a copy of Freddy Got Fingered, a very stupid movie made by Tom Greene. Bad taste is not a crime. But apparently failing to return a copy of Freddy Got Fingered is a crime, if you let it go long enough. The video-rental company, long defunct, had filed a complaint against Meyers. Under state law, failure to return rented property is a criminal misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $200. Meyers had gone about his life blissfully unaware that any such case had been brought against him, until he was pulled over dropping his daughter off at school with a defective brake light. The officer citing him for the traffic violation had the good sense not to slap the cuffs on Meyers — he’ll probably be disciplined for that — but when Meyers came to the police station to sort things out, he was handcuffed and arrested.
For failing to return a copy of Freddy Got Fingered, this was.
People like Hillary Rodham Clinton break the law — serious laws, including national-security law — with impunity. They can do this because their lives are dedicated to the pursuit of power, which means being constantly lawyered up. There probably has been no point in the past 30 years during which Mrs. Clinton, her family, or a near ally was not under investigation. She can spend her days fighting this stuff and dragging it out for years and years like it’s her job — because it is.
RELATED: Hillary and Bill vs. the ‘Little People’
A schmuck like James Meyers, though, lives a different sort of life. The court might have mailed him a notice to appear 14 years ago when his rental-issue was a matter of immediate public concern; often enough, such notices are sent to addresses that are three or four moves in the past. It takes time and money to fight bureaucrats who have nothing to do all day but shake you down for money: Fairfield County, Conn., where I lived for less than a year many years ago, still sends me annual tax bills. The state of New York has demanded of me tax on income that was earned neither in New York nor by a party living in New York. If you have the time and the money, you get a lawyer and you sue, countersue, or otherwise protect your rights.
But there are a great many people who do not have the resources to do that. An erroneous tax bill leads to a credit-ruining lien, which in turn can torpedo a home purchase or, in some cases, a better job. A parking violation you never knew anything about in a town where you spent two hours ten years ago leads to an arrest warrant or a suspended driver’s license — or both.
RELATED: The Public Sector: Standing in Our Way Until We Pay Up
And if you’re a shmuck like James Meyers, it leads to having to explain to your terrified daughter why Daddy is being threatened with a trip to the hoosegow over a Freddy Got Fingered hijacking.
On September 30, 2011, President Barack Obama ordered the assassination of an American citizen. Thus far, the legal ramifications of his doing so are dramatically less than those of forgetting to return a copy of Freddy Got Fingered. Hillary Rodham Clinton has violated a half-dozen national-security statutes, has criminally withheld information from investigators, and much more. It is a safe bet that the consequences of her doing so will be considerably less than those of failing to pay a parking ticket issued by the duly constituted authorities of Muleshoe, Texas.
Something about that isn’t right.
— Kevin D. Williamson is National Review’s roving correspondent.
For many obsessed with politics, the upcoming midterm elections are perceived as a fight between good and evil that will determine the fate of the nation. In the narrative framed by true believers and much media coverage, it's a fight between those who are convinced that President Donald Trump can make America great and those who dream of a socialist future.
In an interview with the Daily News, Sanders seemed to reveal that he hasn't ridden the subway in a long, long time.
The House passed full funding of DHS through September 30 — leaving President Obama’s executive amnesty untouched. The vote was 257-167 and the measure passed with majority Democratic votes. Seventy-five Republicans voted to pass the clean bill, 167 voted against passage.
I call myself a libertarian, but boy do libertarians get on my nerves. The freedom philosophy used to be about trashing government aggression and poking fun at statism. But thanks to the rise of left-libertarian organizations, the philosophy has been infiltrated by ignorant hacks. Libertarianism is now chock-full of whiners who want smaller government for…
National Geographic's latest cover story generated lots of attention for comparing climate change skeptics to those who fear vaccinations, disbelieve NASA’s moon landing, and oppose water fluoridation. The author bemoans the fact that only 40% of Americans (according to Pew Research Center) “accept that human activity is the dominant cause [...]
Lauren Southern of TheRebel.media tells her generation that "a life of total degeneracy is not all its cracked up to be." MORE: http://www.therebel.media/why...
There is a double standard that separates college rape victims from their alleged attackers⦠or innocent bystanders who happen to resemble them.
Hillary Clinton is entering the presidential race in a cloud of scandal surrounding foreign contributions to the Clinton family foundation and her use of a private email account and server to conduct official business while secretary of state. But she and her husband are no strangers to scandal.
There often seemed to be no end of the scandals during President Bill Clinton's two terms in the White House and Hillary Clinton's campaigns for the Senate starting in 2000 and the Oval Office in 2008. Political experts began diagnosing Clinton Fatigue long ago.
As NBC's Meet the Press host Chuck Todd said shortly after the email scandal broke, if Clinton fatigue, which is already a disease in the press corps, actually becomes a problem with the voting public, and these polls, maybe this is the first time that it's becoming a problem, that's — that is doom for her.
Hillary Clinton may become America's first woman in the Oval Office despite the heavy baggage of her last name, but the scandals will surely play a dominant role in the 2016 presidential race.
New details about how she identified public records in her possession reveal her press conference at the U.N. to be wildly misleading.