A new study produced by a University of Wisconsin-Madison geoscientist and Northwestern astrophysicist presents an explanation of the fluctuations of the earth's temperatures that global warming alarmists are going to make sure to bury: The cycle of changes in the climate over the millennia is a result of changes in the amount of solar radiation, in part caused by small changes in the orbits of Earth and Mars. 
Private property would have made it abundantly clear if the smirking student was in the right and may have stopped the situation from happening entirely.
Russia's space agency criticised U.S. President Donald Trump's "hysteria" about the first spaceflight of NASA astronauts from U.S. soil in nine years, but also said on Sunday it was pleased there was now another way to travel into space.
Alabama will become one of the next states to eliminate a government-imposed mandate that requires people wear masks in public.
As traditional American values face a decline in importance, conservatives fight to preserve and uphold the principles of faith, family, and patriotism that have shaped the nation's history and identity.
Fox's Tucker Carlson tonight faced off with none other than Bill Nye the Science Guy over climate change.
Six Republican senators crossed the aisle on Thursday to vote with Democrats and advance a stopgap measure that would end the partial government shutdown without additional funding for President Trump's proposed border wall.
Source: KRISTINA WONG President Trump activated the full D.C. National Guard on Sunday afternoon to protect life and property, after rioting throughout the weekend, the defacement of  monument…
"Daily Caller" video director Richie McGinniss spoke to members of the National Guard protecting the fence around the Capitol building in anticipation of another insurrection from Trump supporters and "QAnon" followers. They agreed that it was a beautiful day and said "true" when asked if there were more media on the scene than "anyone else." Worth noting that security doesn't seem much if any beefier than it has been since Inauguration pic.twitter.com/xauH3o3HWS-- Richie?McG? (@RichieMcGinniss) March 4, 2021
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged a question Wednesday on whether President Biden’s proposed "assault weapons" ban will lead to confiscation.
Conservative author Jerome Corsi reaffirmed Sunday he merely "connected the dots" in asserting in 2016 that a damaging WikiLeaks' data dump involved emails hacked from ex-Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta.In an interview on CNN's "State of the Union,"...
Two men with four guns were arrested Monday as they were reportedly heading to protest in downtown Salt Lake City. Yuri Silva, 27, was booked into jail for making terrorist threats, and Christian Hernandez, 27, was arrested for possessing a controlled substance and a firearm. Police say Silva posted a video on Facebook on Sunday mocking the Salt Lake City curfew, saying "hands up, don't shoot," "kill you n*****" and "f*** pigs. "
The fantasy-hero governor’s team lies about lying. Why?
The data clearly show that these vaccines are safe for almost everyone. So why are Fox News viewers being told the opposite?
An Associated Press 'fact-check' is heavy on pro-abortion propaganda and light on the facts, with 'experts' claiming that early on, there is "no baby."
As the leadership of the Democratic Party gathered in Atlanta this past weekend to choose a new chair the party’s rank and file waited with bated breathe to see who would carry their banner into 2018 and beyond. The acknowledged favorite was Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison, a practitioner of the same kind of poisonous identity?

The End of the Trump Era

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

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In 2019, nine unarmed African Americans were shot by police, while nineteen unarmed whites were. In Chicago alone, 315 African American males between 15 and 40 were victims of homicide. So where is the problem again?

Opinion | The Covid Welfare State

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The $1.9 trillion Democratic bill provides a guaranteed income unlinked to work.
CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker announced his resignation in an email to staff on Wednesday. Zucker says he is resigning because he did not disclose a
GOOD ONE! Wait, they're serious?
Democrats on Wednesday strongly suggested they are open to a compromise with President Trump even as they unveiled an initial proposal for securing the border that includes no physical barriers.