It was so casual, the way Marco Rubio slipped same-sex marriage, unprovoked, into his closing statement at the Feb. 13 Republican debate. “We are going to be a country that says that life begins at…
Media eager to target Gov. Ron DeSantis have a problem with the switch to a methodology many other states use.
Today?s testimony by Mark Zuckerberg in front of a Senate joint committee was often boring or redundant with previous statements. But there was an exchange near the two-hour mark that was ple…
Regardless of whether or not you think Donald Trump deserves the credit for it, there is no denying the fact that factory-sector employment growth has sharply accelerated since he moved into the White House.
While making ABC’s annual “upfront” presentation to advertisers on Tuesday, left-wing late-night host Jimmy Kimmel just couldn’t resist slamming the President, who he described as “a lunatic,” and as a result, “we’re all gonna die.” The liberal comedian made these remarks even after claiming in a preliminary interview that “I think people have had an ass-full of Donald Trump, and I feel like the upfront is a time to look within and make fun of ourselves.”
As a writer who identifies as a leftist, and who sympathizes with Noam Chomsky’s anarcho-syndicalism on a root personal level, I should theoretically be joining the chorus of critics who have decided that Jordan Peterson is a reactionary. In fact, Jordan Peterson has plenty of followers on the left, but watching the media climate surrounding his book release, you’d think he appeals only to the most reactionary, hyper-masculine discontents of the modern world. To be fair to the journalists, it is true that there are two Jordan Petersons. There is the lecturer, who juxtaposes mythological and religious themes with psychology and evolutionary biology, presenting a synthesis of science and religion, and then there is the social media culture warrior. Watching Peterson’s lectures versus watching snippets of him online, in recent interviews, you are watching two different men. It’s what the digital era does to people – it fragments them. Hundreds of hours of brilliant speeches are to be judged based on a few soundbites on Mic or Vice, or whatever dense abstractions can be made ?
Within the first 90 minutes after the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban on six countries, MSNBC brought on a total of 10 guests who condemned the high court’s decision and warned that it marked a dark day for America. One liberal pundit and politician after another were teed up to freak out over the ruling.
"Given some of the revelations of the last three or four weeks, we've been driven further away from the idea of answering any questions from them."
Conservative activists Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk were accosted at a Philadelphia restaurant on Monday by protesters from a local antifa group.
California's biggest boondoggle just broke the bank.
On Sunday, Miami Dolphins wide receivers Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson kicked off game one of the NFL season by taking a knee during the National Anthem. Kenny Stillis said he would consider stopping if his buddy Colin Kaepernick were signed by an NFL team. Former 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick celebrated the continued destruction of …
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says his predecessor John Kerry is advising European and Iranian diplomats to wait out the Trump administration to salvage the Iran nuclear deal; Rich Edson reports from the State Department.
Several Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had their home addresses and phone numbers released to the public on their Wikipedia pages during Thursday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. The victims included Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that he doesn't "want" or "care" about having House Speaker Paul Ryan's support in an interview in which he repeatedly trashed the House speaker, virtually unprompted.
The U.S. Attorney for District of Columbia has opened a federal excessive force investigation into the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Trump supporter who was shot and killed Wednesday during the Capitol riot, CBS News reports. 
With the bridge connecting Guatemala and Mexico closed, migrants said they planned to cross en masse the river that divides the two countries.
A collection of radical activists and anarchists pledge to put Washington D.C. in "total paralysis" when "The Donald" gets sworn in as president
CNN anchor Don Lemon declared that "the biggest terror threat in this country is white men," adding that "there is no travel ban on them" in an exchange that has prompted rebuke from conservatives on social media.
Trump is reportedly close to naming Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) his Health and Human Services secretary.
Mark warns that the establishment is gaining ground in the new Trump administration.
Trump Formally Announces Gen. Mattis for Secretary of Defense: 'Mad Dog Plays No Games'
A Fraser fir grown at Larry Smith’s Christmas tree farm in Newland, Avery County, NC, has been selected as the 2018 White House Christmas Tree. He will present the tree to Donald Trump and wife, Melania.
As President-elect Donald Trump considered Mitt Romney for secretary of state, Trump wanted one thing Romney wouldn't give him: an apology.
The civil-liberties organization has taken a stand against stronger due-process protections in campus tribunals that undermines its own principles.