President Trump Shows Complete Humility In Speech For all the critici President Donald Trump receives for being a so called ...
The federal bureaucracy increasingly acts as prosecutor, judge, and jury.
On Thursday, San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, asked what  Black History Month meant to him, stated that racism against blacks was “systemic,” adding, “If you were born white, you automatically have a monstrous advantage educationally, economically, culturally and within the society offered his view on American society.” Popovich spoke before his Spurs played the Philadelphia 76ers, and pontificated that racism was America’s “national sin.”

NY’s anti-science e-cig crackdown

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Gov. Cuomo’s Department of Health last week released survey data that he’s using to bolster his case for a $12 tax on 30 ml bottles of vaping liquids and a ban on vaping indoors. Yet the survey dat…
What started off as a juicy rumor by a controversial website is gaining credibility, and may soon balloon into a damning scandal for former President Barack Obama and his signature health insurance pr

KSL Newsradio on Twitter

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

“BREAKING NEWS: @jasoninthehouse tells KSL's @DougWrightShow he might not finish his Congressional term. Updates now https://t.co/LwgY6HeJOO”
Donald Trump feeds off class resentment. Let’s stop making his job easier.
You're not a homophobe if you don't like lace shorts for men ...
Former Vice President Mike Pence is establishing independence from former President Donald Trump as he mulls a 2024 White House bid, warning in a speech to Republican donors that the party is threatening to squander opportunities for big gains in 2022 “by fighting yesterday’s battles, or by…
“The First Amendment is about opinions that you passionately disagree with and the right of others to express them.”
Post reporter Paul Farhi snaps after being called out for his error.
In a single-payer system, government covers health care regardless of income, occupation, or health status. Veterans Affairs is such a system.
On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced plans for the United States to reopen the consulate in Jerusalem. The announcement came during a press briefing with Palestinian Authority President
Hey Al! Looks like you?ve finally made your way down to Baltimore. I don?t blame you. Gotta make them dollar, dollar bills! All those unpaid back-taxes really add up. So I want to make it clear that I don?t begrudge you one bit for trying to make a living. Heck, I don?t even mind your show at MSNBC. The mere blooper-reel has gotten more play in the Crowder household than anything else on Cablenews in the last decade. For that, I have to thank you. Matter of fact, I actually use your reel to defend our president! See, many people attack President Obama, under the guise of him being useless to anyone without his teleprompter.  I say that?s unfair, when there are people like you out there who are of no use with a teleprompter. With that out of the way, can I make one request? Just one. When choosing your career path and method of income, do you think that maybe, just maybe, you could try to not profiteer off dishonest, divisive racism? I know I?m asking a lot, but if you consider my request, I think you?ll see where I?m coming from. Allow me to explain. See, MLK Jr. fought for equality in a way [...]
The law is the law. The State Department must stop stonewalling and make public its report its report on Iran’s human rights record.
NFL viewership is declining further as the 2017 season nears its midpoint. More than 3 million fewer people, on average, are watching this year than they were in 2015.
"We have not eliminated black poverty in Texas, but we have made meaningful progress."
Autoinjectors Market is Predictable to register a CAGR of 17.42% to reach USD 79,741 Million by 2024, Global Autoinjectors Market by Product Type, Design, by Therapeutic Application, by Distribution Channel and Region | Autoinjectors Industry
A new CNN investigation has uncovered a network of slave markets operating in warehouses in various cities across Libya six years after NATO-led intervention...
he media has been taking their orders from those making the news and, in cases like the Planned Parenthood stories, they’re part of covering up the news rather than reporting it.
It's time these 'Black Lives Matter' dummies buy a oneway ticket to somewhere far, far away.
Alternate Channel: http://www.youtube.com/otherjacobspinney Sources: Herbert Dow vs Bromine Cartel: http://www.thefreemanonline.org/featured/herbert-dow-and-...
Planned Parenthood supporters continue to falsely assert or suggest it directly administers mammograms.