Wow Manafort must have read Trump the riot act because he just made an announcement with his toupee between his legs shamefully going back on his petulant refusal to endorse those he thought didn&#…
A car ran over a protester standing in the middle of West Florissant Avenue in Ferguson, Missouri Tuesday night and ...
Federal buildings flew flags at half staff for two days to honor the memory of the former senator and Navy veteran.
Donald Trump and his success owes a lot to miscalculations among policymakers and economists over the impact of trade with China and its imports.
Donald Trump delivered two well-received policy addresses over the past week – one on his plans for the economy, the other on his approach to national security and defense. But you’d hardly kno
Meghan McCain took the occasion of her father’s death to slam President Trump numerous times today in Washington DC. What a sad and petty woman. It’s no secret to Americans why the third most unpopular US senator is being heiled as a hero. He hated Trump. Meghan McCain spoke at her father’s funeral today and …
1791L - Your source for common sense political discourse. ✖ Follow Trey Gowdy on Twitter https://twitter.com/tgowdysc ✖ Follow 1791L on Twitter for updates o...
For the IRS, “husband" & "wife” now refer to any “two individuals lawfully married to each other" — giving same-sex couples all marital benefits.
A terminally ill 17-year-old has become the first minor to be euthanised in Belgium since age restrictions on such mercy killings in the country were lifted in 2014, it was learned Saturday. "The euthanasia has taken place," Jacqueline Herremans, a member of Belgium's federal euthanasia
Just one point separates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in two states that are critical to both candidates' chances of becoming president, according to new CNN/ORC polls in Pennsylvania and Colorado.
Bill Clinton, the husband of the Democratic presidential nominee, knocked President Obama?s signature piece of legislation — the ObamaCare health care law — as ?the craziest thing in th…
Hillary Clinton's tax plan would raise hundreds of billions of dollars from the wealthy, but would hamstring economic growth and prevent the creation of nearly 700,000 jobs over the next decade, according to a new analysis released Wednesday. The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, published a score of Clinton's plans for tax policy that found that it would would raise taxes by $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years, under a static analysis that assumes nothing else changes. That revenue would come from new taxes on high earners, a higher tax rate on multi-million dollar incomes, and new estate taxes. But because those tax hikes would decrease the incentives to work, invest, and save, the group found, the Democrat's tax proposals would slow economic growth.
Guest post by John Binder of American Lookout: Someone should probably tell Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee that Wikipedia isn’t ...
Election Day cannot come too soon. Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump, and even her detractors predict victory. Trump will behave badly when he loses. Neither Clinton’s email...
Pennsylvania state police have raided two offices of a voter registration group, just as the election approaches in what could be a crucial state. Police raided the Philadelphia office of FieldWorks LLC’s office on Thursday after raiding another office in Delaware County, Pa., just days earlier. What bothers election watchdogs is that in many cases observed in past elections in Cleveland, both the real person and the phony voter both voted. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the police used a warrant seeking forms that could be used to “construct fraudulent voter registration forms” and “completed voter registration forms containing same or similar identifying information of individuals on multiple forms.” The Washington-based group has pledged to work with state police, the Inquirer reported. Attorney General Bruce Beemer suggested to the Inquirer that the group was employing registrants who were cutting corners to meet quotas. One way to do that is to re-register existing voters with subtle spelling differences in their names.
Finally had the "talk" I've been mentioning for a while. I have been asked, repeatedly, about my views on the election, voting, and all the controversy swirl...
Donald trump isn't just for Christmas *FULL CREDIT GOES TO JOE.CO.UK* All Hillary wanted for Christmas was the White House If you found this video entertaini...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has emerged as the favorite to serve as secretary of state in Donald Trump’s incoming
This report evaluates patterns of arrest and detention conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 25 years after the Oslo Accords granted Palestinians a degree of self-rule over these areas and more than a decade after Hamas seized effective control over the Gaza Strip. Human Rights Watch detailed more than two dozen cases of people detained for no clear reason beyond writing a critical article or Facebook post or belonging to the wrong student group or political movement. 
The appointment of Flynn comes as the Trump transition team is experiencing several shakeups.
The moon is a red destination, an asteroid is a blue destination.
President-elect Donald Trump disavowed an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C. over the weekend led by Richard Spencer that celebrated the election of Donald Trump.
Last night, CNN appears to have accidentally aired 30 minutes of hardcore pornography to viewers after a grave error by RCN, a cable TV provider based in New Jersey. Though viewers were tuning in for a new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, the show's title took on an entirely new meaning when the scheduled programming was replaced with explicit material starring transsexual pornstar Riley Quinn.