Newt: 'Recount Mania' Is One More Example of the 'Collapse of the Democratic Party'
The core platform for the Federalist Party is to dramatically reduce the size and overreach of the federal government, returning powers to the states to produce the original intent of the Constitution: checks and balances between equally powerful states and the federal governments. We abandoned the confederation of states in favor of the Constitution republic because our founding fathers saw the need for equivalent centralized strength, but the 10th Amendment has essentially been abandoned for the last century to give the centralized government way too much influence on issues that shouldn't reside in their purview.
Arizona’s Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes, who is being accused by the GOP of destroying evidence to cover up “voting irregularities,” has previously defended the accused ringleader of a gun straw buyer in Operation Fast and Furious that led to the death of an Arizona border agent.
The final request and acceptance, sources told CBS’ Major Garrett, occurred while Kelly was traveling in Europe
The Trump transition team is circulating an intrusive questionnaire seeking the names and emails of Energy Department employees involved in climate policy.
The British government rejected a report Thursday that it could take up to ten years to agree a new trade deal with the EU after Brexit, a move that could leave businesses in limbo. Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman insisted that Britain could negotiate its departure from the European Union
The White House announced a new set of rules on Monday that reporters must abide by during press conferences after CNN's Jim Acosta once again caused a significant disruption two weeks ago during a presidential press conference.
Illegal aliens and supporters for a sanctuary city stood in front of the city's administration building chanting, "Not on our watch."
Israel lashed out at the Obama administration "friends don't act that way" after Ambassador Power abstained (refusing to veto) as The United Nations passed a resolution demanding Israel to stop settlement building on occupied Palestinian territory. As NYTimes notes, the administration’s decision not to veto the measure broke a longstanding American tradition of serving as Israel’s sturdiest diplomatic shield, and defied extraordinary pressure from President-elect Trump.
A United Nations nuclear watchdog has revealed that the Obama administration gave Iran secret exemptions, allowing the terror-sponsoring state to stockpile uranium in larger amounts than the limits imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal. The International Atomic Energy Agency posted documents on Dec. 23 indicating that Iran was given the concessions in January, according to the Weekly [?]
At the start of each new year we’re subjected to a whole host of new laws. The modern liberal government, you see, imagines itself not as the champion of individual freedom but as Mommy and Daddy, a taskmaster charged with controlling your life. Most of the time, it makes everything, including our lives, worse.
Repealing the death tax was part of Donald Trump’s tax plan.
DONALD Trump has asked Britain to send Winston Churchill’s bust back to the White House so he can return it to the Oval Office, The Sun can reveal. The request was put to Foreign Secretary Boris Jo…
Finally, David Schoen debunked the ‘fine people hoax’. Once and for all, the defense lawyer of former President Trump David Schoen debunked the ‘fine people hoax’. On Friday, during day 4 of the Senate impeachment trial, Schoen obliterates this hoax, forcing mainstream media to air Trump’s remarks in full context for the first time ever. …

Greg Gutfeld: Stone Age liberals

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Last week a liberal writer from Newsweek criticized me on Twitter over something I said on The Five, writing: Your premise is factually incorrect. But keep cashing those checks.
A video clip posted to by ITV News shows the reaction of a Trump supporter the moment Donald Trump ...
January 25, 2017 - FULL INTERVIEW - President Trump in The White House - ABC with David Muir

Refugee Resettlement Is Immoral

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Resettling a relative handful of refugees here means we are sacrificing the much larger number who could have been helped with the same resources.

Opinion | High-Tax State Exodus

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Growth-friendly states gain population, and it isn’t just the weather.
The way Texas prices its electricity, via an auction system, has contributed to skyrocketing costs as inclement weather sweeps across the state.
The prospect of Alvin Bragg (D), Manhattan's District Attorney bringing an indictment against former President Trump, who is Joe Biden's likely major
Nevada mother Laura Llamas is calling for immediate disciplinary action to be taken against a teacher for expressing her support of President Donald Trump's immigration policies, allegedly making two middle school students in Clark County cry. On Monday, Llamas filed a complaint after her son told her his teacher spoke of Trump and immigrants in the classroom.
Life just got a little bit safer in the great state of Virginia. Safer, that is, if you're a domestic abuser and you don't want to get shot by your victim. Stephen Gutowski, Washington Free Beacon:
(From FOX News) The constant, anonymous leaks from disgruntled federal bureaucrats aim to provide ammunition for the propaganda news media to press the attack. The Left’s dance of destruction is...
"I woke up this morning and found my face all over Facebook..."