
Border Patrol officials said the girls range in age from 7 years old to just 11 months.


When Jacob was born, his name was Mia. But by the time he was two, he was telling his parents, "I'm a boy."


Venezuela will begin rationing electrical supplies this week. Venezuelan Vice President Jorge Arreaza blamed the measure on climate change.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon turned conservative star, has


For going on seven years we have learned three things about President Obama: 1) He loves the poor so much he continues to create more of them. 2) He loves the poor so much he does everything in his power


Arab leaders seemed less than impressed with President Obama’s pledge of an “ironclad commitment to the security of our Gulf partners.” Understandable: They’ve already seen many other of his other ...


After ordering Abbott's Michigan plant to close due to contamination concerns following a nationwide recall of baby formula, the FDA said the company can release some specialty formulas "on a case-by-case basis." Here's why


About three weeks before Freddie Gray was chased from a West Baltimore corner by three Baltimore police officers — the start of a fatal encounter — the office of prosecutor Marilyn Mosby asked police to target the intersection with "enhanced" drug enforcement efforts, court documents show.


The two men are the first to face charges from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, ac...


Russian Chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov on Russia’s impact on Greece and ongoing Iran nuclear talks.


Donald Trump's DHS Nominee: Americans 'Owe' Amnesty to DACA Illegals


Two regular guys took heroic …


The transcript accompanying the latest undercover Planned Parenthood video has an employee of the group admit she finds it


CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti (AP) — Republican presidential contender Rand Paul has left Haiti after spending four days on a humanitarian mission to the island nation.


The senator and Republican presidential hopeful will help lead a nationwide church-based campaign to end taxpayer support for Planned Parenthood.


CNN host Dana Bash questioned Rep. Adam Schiff of California Sunday about the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s refusal to hand over evidence to the Justice Department.


"You care only that we bitter clingers refuse to bow down to you..."


Under Barack Obama the Middle Class in America has been under constant assault. The Obama record– More pain, More poverty, ...


A scare at a Paris memorial in the Place de la République on Sunday sent crowds running in panic, fearing another terror incident after the attacks on Friday night. CNN was there to record the scene, showing startling footage of people running for their lives.


Left-wing cable news network CNN has been caught red-handed selectively editing Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's comments about a "Muslim registry."


The Treasury Department announced on Monday that it had recorded its largest monthly budget deficit in six years in February. The deficit came in at $215 billion for the month, which came as revenue declined.