As Bernie Sanders continues to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, the time has come to focus some of...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) fumed at her colleagues in an interview over the weekend after her far-left wing of the party was blamed for stunning
If everyone has a gun No one has a gun - Sudden Clarity Clarence
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a setback for the Obama health care law, a federal judge ruled Thursday that the administration is unconstitutionally subsidizing medical bills for millions of people while ignoring congressional power…
"Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world,” Trump said in 2005.
Bill Vander Zalm was the premiere of British Columbia from 1986 to 1991 and he was involved in government in total for 25 years being privy to how things operate on the inside. Bill hasn’t given an exclusive interview to any news outlet in 8 years (the last time was with PFT) but today he’s […]
Filthy, ungrateful Muslim scumbags show Islamic supremacy by disrespecting American anthem. An Islamosuremacist sub-animal (yes, they regularly kill even the...
Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men
Prager U did a street interview of San Francisco residents this week to ask them if they approve of illegal immigrants being allowed to vote. What were their responses? “I don’t believe that people are illegal,” a young woman says in the video. “So...yes.” Prager U’s Will Witt followed up by asking her if that holds true even for people who don’t pay into the tax system. “I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 and I still vote. So, yes,” she replied. Another woman said, “You know, I feel like people who are living here, anyone — illegal or not — has a right in their opinion...I do feel like everyone has a right to vote. Illegal or not.” A man responded to Witt's question by saying, "Um. Hold on. Do you want to ask me another question?” In July, San Francisco gave illegal residents the ability to register to vote in school board elections, the Sacramento Bee ?
Former CIO "provided inaccurate information" about comment outage, Pai says.
In the end, Never Trump never stood a chance.
The one-way ratchet rigmarole that has been established for actors makes no sense. If an actor can’t play a person who isn’t exactly like himself.
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock, worked for the FBI, according to credit application data the Australian national reported as part of a loan application. That’s the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on Paddock’s horde of ammunition packed into unused rifle magazines. Publicly available intelligence obtained from consumer credit …
According to the newest numbers from the Census Bureau.
Musk sounds like he's having a lot of fun taking them down...
In an interview Tuesday on Morning Joe, Weld signaled that it's more important to put Hillary in the Oval Office than vote Libertarian
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday lit into federal judges for what he called a dramatic uptick in "outrageous" decisions threatening to interfere with the separation of powers by exposing internal White House deliberations.
5 Most Absurd Ways the Left Has Responded to the 2016 Election
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein officially filed a request to election officials Friday to conduct a recount in the battleground state of Wisconsin.
The Army will not approve an easement that would allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota, the Army's assistant secretary for civil works announced Sunday.
Tulane’s student government is requesting that students and professors add their preferred gender pronoun at the end of emails.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Democrats have to focus and "put a knife" the heart of the Republican economic agenda. Schumer also addressed the Florida recount that will decide the political future of Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). "With the Senate map wildly tilted in Republicans' favor, we're at worst only one seat worse off than we were when we stood here two years ago, and if Bill Nelson wins, which I believe he has a very good chance of doing, we'll be even," Schumer said. "When all the votes are counted in Florida, we could be just where we started at the beginning of the 115th Congress, with 48 members, even facing the worst map that we've ever had," he added.
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tore into a Washington Examiner reporter on Twitter Thursday after he posted a photo of her “backside” in a comment about her fashion choices.