Fundrise Interval Fund and Growth eREIT VII picked up 87 single-family properties in Brevard County as part of an ongoing southern spending spree.
'The circuit court denied free speech in favor of government censorship,' said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom.
On Thursday, Clinton blamed Donald Trump's anti-illegal immigration rhetoric for the Charleston church shootings by racist Dylann Roof.
How repulsive are many mainstream media outlets?

Earlier this month, LifeNews.com reported on a high school in Seattle, Washington that is now implanting intrauterine devices (IUD), as well as other forms of birth control and doing so without parental knowledge or permission.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The IUD is known as a long acting reversible contraception, and may even act as an abortifacient. So, a […]

The rare phenomenon will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715.
RINO Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham will participate in the Voter’s First Forum in New Hampshire on August ...
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has built one of the most impressive presidential campaigns for any of the so-called outsider GOP candidates in 2016.
Tana Goertz, his co-chair in the state, said that she was not offended by Trump's suggestion that Kelly asked him tough questions because there was 'blood coming out of her wherever'.
The letter, published on a conservative news outlet, defends Moore as he faces accusations of pursuing sexual relationships with teenage girls.
Republicans Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, John Kasich and Chris Christie all have plans or will soon. The same goes for Democrats Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley. Hillary Clinton joined the crowd last week with a $350 billion package of ideas.
Abby Martin debuts teleSUR's The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet. teleSUR's The Em...
A grandmother killed by a stray bullet as she sleeps in her bed.
Budapest, September 21 (MTI) – Hungary is doing the most natural thing in connection with illegal migration: it is protecting its family, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Monday. Hungary has been an honoured member of the great European family for a thousand years and it is out of an historic and moral responsibility that […]
Oregon mass murderer Chris Harper Mercer is linked to a Muslim man who praised Islamic terrorism on one of his social media accounts.

What ISIS Really Wants

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
Mark Levin: We Cannot Change the Climate (11/30/2015)
Does it show that the FBI worked against Trump or is there no evidence to support this?
Rubio tells POTUS what he thinks of his failing counter terror strategy.
"South Park" was removed from the Chinese internet after last week's episode mocked the country's censorship.
RELATED VIDEO: Alameda County Sheriff's Office Responds to Oakland Sideshow Videos http://news.kron4.com/?p=43888 View full story at http://news.kron4.com
Che Taylor was shot and killed by Seattle Police, triggering a now seemingly reflexive defense of a criminal and ignoble attacks on law enforcement.
The head of federal immigration enforcement in Northern California apologized for posting an image on social media that Muslim American groups say is offensive because it dehumanizes Muslim women. David Jennings, head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in San Francisco, shared the image - an online meme that spread around the world - on LinkedIn in an attempt at humor. The Chronicle noticed the post this week. The image depicts three patio umbrellas that are intended to resemble three people in body-covering burqas along with the caption, "I spent 30 minutes talking to them to learn more about their culture until the barman told me they were umbrellas.
Part of Hillary Clinton’s support in Miami-Dade County comes from an unlikely source: Republican voters.