
If Democrats want to ensure that Republicans continue to win elections, they ought to follow Obama’s lead.


The majority of the 42 migrants arrested Sunday after an attempted illegal border-crossing attempt were adult men.


New demographic estimates for the election, and a look at how the key alliance of Northern white voters and black voters shrank for Hillary Clinton.


Today we look at some of Social Justice Warriors arguments defending one of modern times' most toxic subjects... Genders. #SimoIsJustice


A man ended up at the hospital Tuesday after he tried to light himself on fire outside the Trump International Hotel in Northwest D.C.


A top lawyer for internet retailer Amazon is taking a victory lap for the company?s role in the Ninth Circuit Court?s decision to retain the temporary restraining order halting Presiden…


The young turks and Cenk Uygur are a joke and I hope this video proves it. They have been falling apart since the election day meltdown. -- DISCLAIMER! ---- ...


Lin Wood has a surprise We have all been waiting for more info from Wood. He promised to expose Mike Pence and the election fraud. Join Our Telegram channel here: https://t.me/TheTrueReporter Wood explained it all. We give you the real WHISTLEBLOWER. Watch it on Rumble. And Youtube: Read the FULL TRANSCRIPT of the Whistleblower Interview here: …


In case you’ve been living under a rock, let me help you out, Gavin Newsom is most definitely getting ready to run for president. You thought Joe


“In the last 50 years of culture wars in America, there has been no stronger weapon than guilt.”


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Confronted with rising crime in New York City, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that most crime in the area is probably "just some street rat with a heart of gold stealing apples to feed his pet monkey."She made the claim at a press conference today after reporters asked her about the city's concerning spike in crime. …


University professors are not taking kindly to the latest Pew Research poll numbers showing Republican-leaning voters have an unreceptive view of academia, and some are pointing the finger of blame…


The sign, created by Berkeley-based Direct Action Everywhere, denounces the killing of animals.


(The Center Square) – Gov. Greg Abbott late Friday signed his fourth memorandum of understanding in three days with another Mexican governor as part of his commitment to secure Texas’


Is Nancy Pelosi okay? I am serious, folks. She's getting more batty by the day. I can't tell if it's a cognitive type issue or a vodka martini issue, but


And so. The media hunt is on. It’s the guns. Always the guns. But sacred cows being what they are… what about abortion? Back there in 2015 I wrote in this space the following: Hillary, Guns, and Planned Parenthood The column was written in the wake of an Obama executive order on background checks for buying a gun. I had the indelicacy to note that Hillary Clinton had said the following: “It is infuriating. Every time there is another massacre, Republicans and the NRA, ‘now is not the time to talk about guns.’ Yes it is. But more than talk,


ABC 33/40 news anchor Christopher Sign passed away in his home over the weekend, according to his family, colleagues and


David Barton guests http://web.gbtv.com/schedule/index.jsp


Senator Rand Paul spoke at the #WomenBetrayed Rally in DC about defunding Planned Parenthood. I want to thank Students for Life of America for organizing ...


Black Lives Matter group kicks Bernie Sanders off his own stage. Bernie Sanders was having a speech about medicaid/medicare and social security in Seattle, f...


Ted Cruz was badgered on homosexual marriage and was having none of it.


Lindsey Vonn wants the world to know that she does not ski for President Trump, she's embarrassed of many of the members of his administration, and if she's invited to the White House, she won't go — and


The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to try curbing the deadly violence between Israelis and Palestinians Friday, hours after a Palestinian disguised as a journalist stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier.


In a hostile, lengthy exchange on ABC’s The View Friday, host Meghan McCain admitted frustration at being the sole Republican host on the show. Trying to explain to host Joy Behar that Trump supporters “don’t care” about the Michael Wolff book, or other controversies the media hypes about the White House, McCain gushed, “I have never felt more conservative and more defensive of the middle of the country than I have before I started working on this show.”